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  • Dial-in: Audio-only conference# 8600
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All-hands Status Meeting Agenda

Items in this section will be shared during the live all-hand status meeting.

Friends of the Tree Friends of the Tree

Upcoming Events

This Week

Monday, 25 June

Privacy Friends Meeting - 1pm PST - SF Boardroom (dial-in) and Michael Bolton.

Tuesday, 26 June

Wednesday, 27 June

Thursday, 28 June

Friday, 29 June

Next Week

Product Status Updates (voice updates)

Firefox Desktop

Speaker Location:

Firefox Mobile

Speaker Location: Johnathan Nightingale & Dave Slater - MTV


Speaker Location:

Older Branch Work

Speaker Location:


Speaker Location: Mark Surman in Toronto
Summer Code Party montage.001.jpg


Speaker Location:


Speaker Location:


The limit is 3 minutes per speaker. It's like a lightning talk, but don't feel that you have to have slides in order to make a presentation.

Title Presenter Topic Media More Details
Your Title Here Your Name Here What are you going to talk about? Links to slides or images you want displayed on screen Link to where audience can find out more information

Introducing New Hires

New Hire Introduced by Speaker location Will be working on
Who is the new hire? Who will be introducing that person? From which office will that introduction be transmitted? What will the new person be working on?
Emmanuele Bassi Jet Villegas London, UK Software Engineer Platform
Angela Plohman Marilyn Wigglesworth Toronto, ON Grant Manager
Ali Almossawi Gilbert FitzGerald Mountain View, CA Metrics Engineer
Matt Basta Wil Clouser Mountain View, CA Web Developer
Mary Biondi Harvey Anderson Mountain View, CA Executive Assistant
Paul Jarratt Erica Jostedt Mountain View, CA Developer PR Manager
Michael Manning Leslie Nakajima Mountain View, CA Sr. Manager, Corporate Communications
Kim Murphy-Fong Brendan Eich Mountain View, CA Executive Assistant

Introducing New Interns

New Intern Introduced by Speaker location Will be working on
Christoph Kerschbaumer Philipp von Weitershausen MV Platform
Michael Comella Brian Nicholson MV Mobile



Notes and non-voice status updates that aren't part of the live meeting go here.

Status Updates By Team (*non-voice* updates)







Release Engineering


Test Execution


  • Affiliates
    • Production briefly went down last Monday - automation flagged the failure and notified us
    • Release today - mbrandt covering for rshetty while he is on
  • AMO
  • Marketplace
  • Mozilla.org
    • No update
  • Mozillians
    • 2012-06-20 release being targeted for 2012-06-21.
    • delays due to a mixture of dev ability and unstable dev/staging envs
  • MDN
  • Socorro
    • Milestone 13 - successful release Wednesday
    • Last week's release was delayed due to unstable dev/staging envs

QA Community

Automation & Tools

  • Released pytest-mozwebqa 1.0 - a plugin used primarily by Web QA for Selenium test automation.
  • Got reftests running on B2G, a little more work before we have a patch up
  • Got Beagleboards (ARMv6 dev boards) running android, starting to understand what it will take before getting those into an automatable state
  • Provided support for QA on the recent Flash crashes
  • Fixed the last of the bugs with HTML mail that will be deployed with Bugzilla 4.2 in early Q3
  • More notes here





Creative Team

Community Marketing






Developer Tools



  • the webdev/webtools team will be rolling out a browserid-enabled version of etherpad on Wednesday, June 27th. See bug 766213 for more details, and please let us know if there's any reason we should not proceed.
    • thanks to ozten for contributing the code for this!


People Team


Foundation Updates