Reps/Council/ReMo Camp 2012

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Remo camp berlin.png


The Mozilla Reps program leadership, comprised of Council members and Reps mentors, will meet for 3 days of presentations, breakout sessions and discussions to plan the implementation of the Mozilla Reps 2012 plan. This will be a the first time the entire program leadership meet and work together in person.


The meeting will follow a similar format as past Mozilla Reps work weeks.

  • The first day will focus on getting all participants aligned on the Contributor Engagement roadmap for 2012, key programs and initiatives, and top priorities for the year based on the ReMo 2012 plan. This will serve as the contextual backdrop for the next two days.
  • The second day will focus on encouraging debate and discussion around the program's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
  • The third day will focus on drafting concrete action plans that all participants will communicate to Reps in their region.

Key Discussion Themes

  • Strengthen the mentorship/leadership base

Grow, train and support the team of mentors and regional coordinators to help scale the program

  • Build a powerful portal and fully integrate it with community programs and tools

Provide a website that a) enables Reps to easily access tools, share their activites and monitor their progress and b) makes it easy for project teams to learn more about local community activities and effectively leverage Reps' presence in a particular region.

  • Improve skills development and learning

Provide tools and resources for Reps to develop specific skills from onboarding, to presentation skills, to logistics management to to dissemination of market context.

  • Pushing responsibility outwards and leadership development

Delegate more responsibility to council members and vetted mentors and pave a clear growth path to graduate to higher levels of leadership not only within the program, but within the organization

  • Boot To Gecko

Design and drive specific Rep action plans in collaboration with Stewards to increase community outreach, support community marketing campaigns and recruit new contributors

  • Mobile

Design and drive specific Rep action plans in collaboration with Stewards to increase community outreach, support community marketing campaigns and recruit new contributors

  • Desktop

Design and drive specific Rep action plans in collaboration with Stewards to increase community outreach, support community marketing campaigns and recruit new contributors

Discussion topics and idea (not in any order of importance)

See etherpad here.


See the complete list of invited participants here

(Tentative) Schedule

Please find the tentative schedule here. Please feel free to edit and tweak as you see fit.


Everything you want to know about logistics for the camp, you will find here.

In case you have an urgent logistics question, send an email to William with the word "URGENT" in the subject heading :)