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The following people are available to answer inquiries from the Get Involved page.

By Functional Area

These are the people handling inquiries in different functional areas for the en-US/contribute page.

Functional Area Point Person Auto or Manual response
Support Jay, Rosana and Madalina Auto
QA Various QA staff Auto
Coding jdm Manual
Marketing Chelsea Auto
Localization Rosana, Jeff and Arky Manual
Webdev Luke Auto
Addons Amy Auto
Visual Design Lee and Matej Auto
Documentation Janet Auto
Accessibility Jay Manual
IT Corey Manual
User Research Jay Manual
Education (coming soon) Ben Auto
Thunderbird jenzed and rtanglao Manual
Other David Auto
Firefox Suggestions Jay Auto
Firefox Issues Jay Auto

By Locale

These are the people handling inquiries in different locales for localized versions of the page.

  • ar -- haitham
  • en-GB -- leo
  • es -- ruben
  • fr -- pascalc and archaf
  • ga-IE -- Brian King (:kinger)
  • he -- tomer
  • hr -- nikola
  • ms -- aidid
  • philippines -- bob reyes
  • pt-br -- marcelo
  • sr -- Oskar Ivanić (:icecold)
  • sl -- smo (aka Vito)
  • id -- Benny Chandra (Benny)


Notes for other areas to include:

  • legal
  • mobile
  • education
  • user experience (replace user research?)
  • drumbeat/labs/research?
  • others?

Note: See full list of all functional areas