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Meeting Details

  • Time and location: Wednesday, 8 AM PST, conf bridge 206
  • irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back-channel

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Previous Action Items


Meeting Notes

Action Items


New locales updates

Acholi (ach)


Current build channel: aurora

Blocks to release: 3 productization bugs, activity on aurora, stop hand-holding with San James

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week: Updated Dwayne and got updates from him on progress and issues.

Action items (provide assignments): Milos to follow up in bugs.

Fulah (ff)


Current build channel: beta

Blocks to release: none

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week: Spoke to Ibrahima about community feedback. He says it's good and that we're good to go with de-beta.

Action items (provide assignments): de-beta.

Kazakh (kk)


Current build channel: beta

Blocks to release: 2 productization bugs and positive community feedback.

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week: No response in bug.

Action items (provide assignments): Milos to ping once more in bugs and email Timur.

Malay (ms)


Current build channel:

Blocks to release:

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week:

Action items (provide assignments):

Burmese (my)


Current build channel:

Blocks to release:

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week:

Action items (provide assignments):

Maithili (mai)


Current build channel: beta

Blocks to release: catching up with missing strings on aurora/beta, positive community feedback

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week: None.

Action items (provide assignments): Milos to talk to Rajesh about the progress and plans.

Mongolian (mn)


Current build channel: beta

Blocks to release: lots of missing strings on aurora, 3 bugs, several web-parts bugs

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week: None

Action items (provide assignments): Send an email to Channy Yun(Mongolian mentor) and see how current contributor Harry is doing, and whether we can find someone else to help him out with localization.

Project updates

Firefox Desktop

Firefox Mobile


  • Milos and Pascal were working with David Boswell and webdev on planning Get Involved page localized
  • Pull request for code to make everything localizable is in place and tested on local server
  • Waiting on Giorgos and Steven Garrity for other bugs
  • Pascal working on a special Whatsnew page for Russian, first version of a whatsnew page on Bedrock with a specific case for Russian
  • Apps/partners page content + videos in Portuguese and Spanish finished, waiting on webdev to implement unisubs in the page (we hit a couple of complex bugs in the unisubs API for this page that are blocking us)





Other engagement projects

  • Survey for Jane Finette, should be finished this week
  • Olympics l10n for Tara, several locales done, should be finished next week
  • Survey for Jesse Montano, waiting on his decision to do it through us or with press agencies
  • Snippets with included video on about:home for Firefox Flicks, waiting for the final content



Tools / L20n

Grow Mozilla