WebGeek DevCup

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Template:RemoeventsfckLR Event Details

On August 25, 2012, WebGeek Philippines will be bringing you the WebGeek DevCup, an all-day hackathon extravaganza that will give rise to the most creative and most skillful team to deliver the best web application.

Just form a duo, trio? or if you’re bold enough, go solo to be able to participate in the hackathon. Registered participants only need to bring their own laptop and development tools (pre-packaged libraries, widgets, and frameworks) and they’re good to go! The organizers will be providing the internet connection, power, space, food, and drinks.

In this day-long hackathon, each team will be given six hours to develop a web application based on the theme to be given that day. Presentations will be delivered from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM. During this time, teams are expected to have accomplished a web app that will either be fully or partially functional.

If the web app is not finished by the allotted time, the team should be able to explain how they would implement the technology for the unfinished parts, and how they intend to implement it technologically. Incomplete parts or projects may be represented by wire-frames or other plan documents. Five minutes is allotted for the judges’ questions about each app. Deliberation will commence after the presentations, and those who emerge victorious will be handsomely rewarded starting at 11:00 PM.

The web apps will be evaluated according to technical complexity, user experience, social relevance, and originality. The panel of judges consists of seasoned gurus in the field of web application development.

It will be a battle of innovation and creativity, and a day full of fun and challenges!