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Etyc 2012


The event will start on 32202/01/01 04:00:00 PM till 32202/01/01 04:00:00 PM.


Asuncion, Paraguay, LATAM


This event is owned by Urcu


It is estimated that 500-1000 people will be at the event.


The exhibition is the largest ETyC technological, scientific and cultural place in the National University of Asuncion, is organized annually by the Polytechnic School (FP-UNA) in the month of September, the anniversary of the founding of the National University of assumption.

With this project, the FP-UNA binds in a space the efforts being made in the field of higher education, with the strong support of education, engineering, production and services. It aims to create a space for interaction, taking the scientific and technological research, management and university extension as the axes of the link between the University and citizens to respond in advance to the demands of the globalized world, in order to contribute to country's sustainable development.

For one week, showcasing the technology in the country, as well as scientific research and technological Paraguayan universities, industries, businesses and the service sector. It is also a sample of academic offerings and activities of the various academic units of the UNA Paraguayan universities and other public and private.

The edition of 2011 was declared ETyC "educational interest" by the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC) of "Scientific and Technological Interest" by the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) and the Scientific Society of Paraguay (SCP) of "National Tourist Interest" by the National Secretariat of Tourism (SENATUR) and "Academic and Scientific Interest" by the University Council of the National University of Asuncion.

Mozilla Participation

Paraguay Mozilla community will be present for a week with a booth, and various activities as a talk for Firefox OS, web apps and introduction to the marketplace and an event webmaker. Some interviews with firefox user and developers around the booth.

Some Mozilla's booth activities

  • The idea is to put in well-hidden (about facilities Etyc2012) multiple envelopes with small prizes, and simply go on twitter announcing some clues. For most it is hard to find it, find it: D
  • The mozilla's rubik cube challenge (but full mount)
  • Promote the mozilla room via twitter uploading an image of Firefox logo and the number of the room, and RT forever: p
  • More ideas ASAP...

Bugs Associated

Budget ticket : [1]
Swag ticket : 777234


Event Website :

<ul><li>"{{{eventdate}}}" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.</li> <!--br--><li>"{{{eventdays}}}" is not a number.</li> <!--br--><li> "{{{http" has not been listed as valid URI scheme.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "Eventbudget" (as page type) with input value "{{{eventbudget}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li></ul>

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