MozCampEU2012/Manifesto Evolution

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Overview of Session

Title of Session: Evolution of the Mozilla Manifesto Workshop

Facilitator(s): Alex Fowler, key contributor (TBD), Harvey Anderson and Mitchell Baker if available.

Are you paid or volunteer staff?: Alex, Harvey and Mitchell are paid, key contributor is be a volunteer.

Area of Contribution: Alex: Privacy and Policy. Key Contributor: TBD. Harvey: General Counsel. Mitchell: Chief Lizard Wrangler.

How are you currently involved with the community?: Alex is Mozilla's Global Privacy and Public Policy Lead; Key Contributor will be someone who has a demonstrated passion for internet policy issues; Harvey is Mozilla's General Counsel and frequent speaker; he's been very active in policy issues such as SOPA/PIPA. Mitchell needs no introduction.

Location of Work: Alex is in San Francisco, USA; Key contributor is in TBD; Harvey and Mitchell are in Mountain View, USA.

Talk Length: 60 minutes

Summary: Workshop and discussion session on evolving the Manifesto. On March 31, 2013, Mozilla will be 15-years-old. Given the massive changes in the Internet, the principles of the Manifesto have done remarkably well in standing the test of time. However, the lead up to the 15-year anniversary provides an ample and welcomed opportunity to reexamine their value and meaning both inside and outside the organization while involving the community in updating them for the following 15 years. Through a series of questions posed to the group, both during the session and through a continued online discussion, we'd like to explore the natural tension between principles that assert the importance of public benefit (or underline the Internet as a public resource) and our philosophy of individual sovereignty. To interpret public benefit or a view of the Internet as a public utility will be done quite differently around the world. When we say "People are needed to make the Internet open and participatory - people acting as individuals, working together in groups, and leading others," what does that mean to us in today's world? Will it be Mozilla’s role in 2013 and beyond to define the greater good of the Internet or be the champion of individual users' destinies? Can we find a way for the two concepts to live side by side? Do we want to? How do we handle the slippery-slope nature of taking on specific policy issues?

How your session furthers the MozCamp Goals ( The Manifesto reflects our core values as a community, and this session seeks to uncover common understandings, and perhaps differences, so we can discuss and come to some agreement.

Expected Outcome or Deliverable: increased understanding of how the Manifesto reflects Mozilla's values today and impacts Mozilla's stance on policy issues that impact the future of the Internet globally. Help determine whether there is a need to evolve or clarify the Manifesto's principles.

Desired Audience Type or Skill-set: Core volunteer and paid Mozillians from every part of the project. All welcome.

Equipment Needs: Microphones and video equipment to record the session.

To Be Completed by the Audience-

(If you would like) Submit a Question for the Speaker(s) or indicate what information you hope to gain by attending this talk here:

Deimidis: Certainly we need to discuss what is Mozilla role in this new enviroment. How Manifesto could help in our relationship with other players?

Place your name here if you would like to attend this talk:

  • John99
  • Blake Winton
  • Tiberiu C. Turbureanu
  • Jonathan Protzenko