Engagement/Developer Engagement/Evangelism Meetings/2012-08-09

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Revision as of 16:58, 9 August 2012 by Robnyman (talk | contribs)
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  • Brazil trip (Christian, Jeff)
  • Firefox OS (Robert)
  • Progression with Otoro device and games benchmarking (Rob)
  • Firefox OS partner presentations (Robert)
  • Press + Developer Engagement = ♥
  • Quick Evangelism Reps update
  • App Cache Summit
  • 100 apps goal
  • Travel/team meetings
  • Events

Action Items

  • Finding out B2G meetings to attend - pass on to Stormy; Rob talking to Dietrich
  • Establish better communication with B2G team
  • Discuss 100 apps goal internally


  • Robert
  • Rob
  • Christian
  • Joe
  • Stormy
  • Havi


Brazil trip

  • Very stressful, too many things in a week
  • Jeff's trip report is accurate :)
  • Community is about oss
  • Government is really interested, especially around OLPC, would like tablet version of Firefox OS
  • Important what we are going to do long term, setting expectations and following up
  • Lots of interest in evangelism reps & l10n (including Telefonica folks)
  • Lots of cultural differences
  • Got to know many in the community

Firefox OS (Robert)

  • Branding
  • Device dates
  • Grace is working on web page. Chris More's team is making it.
  • Finding out B2G meetings to attend - pass on to Stormy (Rob talking to Dietrich?)
  • Robert syncing with Grace about the public side on this

Progression with Otoro device and games benchmarking

  • Can now push forward with benchmarking games on a realistic device
  • Initial results are promising – games aren't too much slower than the SGS2 (being slower is expected)
  • Slightly frustrated at the lost time but I learnt a lot in the process
    • Was I talking to the right people?
    • Why was I given the wrong information?
    • What was the right thing to do here?
  • Who should we talk to?
    • Chris Lee, QA, ...
    • Perhaps wait for devices for the rest of the team
    • Establish better communication

Firefox OS partner presentations (Robert)

  • Teaching developers
  • Reusability

Press + Developer Engagement = ♥

  • Heads-up policy
  • Sharing calendars

Quick Evangelism Reps update

  • People in Brazil creating screencasts and more
  • Facebook group more more alive

App Cache Summit

  • Organizing who should attend
  • Joe has invited people
  • Christian attending meeting in London next week
  • Work week with invitees August 23rd

100 apps goal

  • 25 apps for Q3 at risk, given current uncertain status of Apps marketplace launch dates and feature sets - needs to re-align w/product milestones
  • Apps Challenge w/ChallengePost & Nobox on hold pending clarification of B2G milestones/phone availability/scope of Apps marketplace.
  • Need to align Challenge w/Telefonica's challenge plans. And see if we can get those apps submitted
  • Joe will send internal e-mail to team

Q3 Goal Status

  • Commitments from 3 frameworks to support non-webkit (Fennec)
    • Christian looking at how we move forward with other libraries
  • Recruit 50 writers, localizers & evangelism reps in LatAm
    • A few people interested
  • MDN team led goals:
    • 100% outreach to websites reported broken in Fennec - being led by Jean-Yves/Ali
    • B2G platform & Apps key/basics docs, tutorials & screencasts written (English) - being led by Sheppy
    • Kuma launched: DONE! YEAH!

Travel/team meetings

  • October meetup
  • MozCamp Asia

Events - reminder to check in with dev-events@ so we can sync with the whole team