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Assumptions held true

  • FX-Team is an awesome group of people who enjoy each other
    • we like to know what others are doing, as well as staying in general sync with

the overall efforts of the company.

    • There are often questions, follow ups, or clarifications that merit discussion
    • We undertake, as regularly as possible, to meet every monday at 12:10PST/PDT

meeting characteristics

  • it should be excellent
  • it should be informative, and on topics that the teams have an interest in
  • it should give us a chance to meet new folks, and recognize each other for excellent work
  • It should *not* have the following:
    • run by johnath and only run when johnath is available
    • be, in any way, about what johnath wants to talk about, except possibly as an agendum
    • decided about july 2012

meeting administration

  • procedure should retain the generally easy going nature of the team
  • we elect a Meeting Master to run the meeting, this should create the following characteristics:
    • this is mostly fun, or at least no great inconvenience
    • this spreads visibility throughout the team and makes people remember that person over there that they don't talk to much day to day, but basically think is awesome
  • if someone gets saddled with the title and doesn't want it, it should be easy enough to fob off on someone via, e.g., an fx-team@ email
  • meeting master is a title that is new, so it may evolve, but in any case it is mostly a field designation that, while it has generally positive career and visibility traits, is mostly just a team of people sharing the load
  • but at the end of the day, we expect (very nearly demand) that the lack of structure, or at least it's whimsically fluid style, persist. johnath has considered & rejected requests for additional structure.