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Revision as of 08:17, 31 August 2012 by Cameleon (talk | contribs) (→‎Not so minor: add GS link)
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Next Thunderbird support day is October 10, 2012 the day after the TB 16 release on October 9, 2012.
  • TB 15 was released at noon Pacific time August 28, 2012

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Thunderbird 15.0 issues

Please add any issues to this page using the tagging convention from the TB15 Support Day Etherpad. Use the following tags and any other relevant Get Satisfaction tags as appropriate: tb15, tb15upgrade,tb15ubuntuone,tb15im,tb15twitter,tb15irc,tb15gtalk,tb15xmpp,tb15compactloss

Not so minor

(not in order)

  1. Lightning 1.7 automatic update worked for most, didn't work for some but then the Provider for Google Calendar Add-on version 0.13 was incompatible with TB15 and 0.16 the TB15 compatible version wasn't available until a day after the release. Workaround:
    • install version Provider for Google Calendar 0.16 (Tools | Add-ons | Extensions | right/control click on "Provider for Google Calendar| Find Updates) OR
    • don't use Provider for Google Calendar. Lightning supports CalDav and Google Calendar supports CalDav. So just follow this HowTo on Google's support site: How to use Lightning with Google Calendar w/out Provider for Google Calendar
  2. IM issues:
    1. People connecting to a server with a broken or self signed SSL certificate: workaround: i) self signed: add it to the Thunderbird NSS cert store and "Edit Trust..." to add the cert to the trusted list ii) broken cert: sysadmin should fix the cert! BUG: need better error message than ""Server closed connection""
    2. People who misconfigured their XMPP account with an invalid username. (a correct username looks like an email address), bug 786684 was filed again for a better error message than:
      • Error: NS_ERROR_XPC_JS_THREW_JS_OBJECT: 'TypeError: match[1] is undefined' when calling method [prplIAccount::connect] Source File: resource:///components/imAccounts.js Line: 620
    3. People using XMPP servers that really require DNS SRV support which is bug 14328 (a long standing platform bug!) - these servers are rare but they do exist; no workaround until bug 14328 is fixed!
    4. People attempting to connect to - NOT A THUNDERBIRD bug, appears that the server is under a DDOS attack
    5. Some people getting disconnected from Google Talk after a successful authentication, downloading the contact list, and sending their vCard, bug 775977
    6. Twitter sometimes stops sending us new tweets in the stream, bug 786404 - not reproducible - WORKAROUND - go offline and then back online
    7. OpenFire server doesn't follow XMPP standard for digest-MD5 authentication - it's a popular server so Florian is coding a workaround for a future release in bug 787046 - (assuming OpenFire doesn't fix it quickly) - WORKAROUND: get server administrator to disable the DIGEST-MD5 authentication method in OpenFire's configuration,
  3. IM Feature requests:
    1. support for AIM, MSN, Yahoo (libpurpule add-on could fix this or bug 761986 for MSN only)
    2. distinct audio and visual notifications GS,
    3. off the record support,
    4. the ability to delete chats


The following is an incomplete list of add-ons that have issues in Thunderbird 15. Please add to this list add-ons that have issues and if you find an add-on has been updated and works with Thunderbird, please strike it out using <del></del>

(not in order,numbered for convenience)

  1. Zindus and Exchange add-ons incompatible with TB15 - did we change an API or do they have binary components?
  2. Norton flags Lightning DLL calbasecomps.dll because it isn't signed and then this stops Thunderbird from working with Lightning - WORKAROUND - disable Norton, re-install Lightning REAL WORKAROUND - get that DLL signed, requires MoCo build resources and certificate?!? [GS] - please tag these topics tb15norton - ongoing issue since TB13! - I'll investigate and email Norton *again* if necessary
  3. Quicktext add-on not working since Thunderbird 13

August 28, 2012

not in order

  1. Provider for Google Calendar incompatible with TB 15, need to upgrade to Provider for Google Calendar 0.16 which wasn't approved until August 29. [GS], bug 786640
  2. Norton flags Lightning DLL calbasecomps.dll because it isn't signed and then this stops Thunderbird from working with Lightning - WORKAROUND - disable Norton, re-install Lightning REAL WORKAROUND - get that DLL signed, requires MoCo build resources and certificate?!? [GS] - please tag these topics tb15norton
  3. Home Calendar was unchecked after TB14/Lightning1.6 to TB15/Lightning 1.7 upgrade - [GS]

Wed August 29, 2012

not in order

  1. Missing Menu bar ongoing issue since at least TB12: Workdaround as always: check: View|Toolbars | Menu bar This points to a UX issue that should be fixed on Windows (doesn't seem to affect Mac and Linux) - please tag these topics tb15missingmenubar
  2. Google Contacts add-on leaks memory, 1.4GB - [GS], please tag these topics tb15googlecontacts
  3. 1 report of Can't setup facebook, google talk and twitter im account: [GS1], please tag these topics tb15imsetup - doubt this is a real problem
  4. Feature requests for IM: add off the record (please tag these topics tb15otr) and add the ability to delete chats (please tag these topics tb15imdelete) and add distinct sounds (please tag these topics tb15imalerts)
  5. Complaints about Australis i.e. the new interface, please tag these topics tb15australis
  6. Exchange add-on works in TB 14 but doesn't work in TB15? (did it fail the automatic add-on bump? or does it have a binary component?) - please tag these topics tb15exchange
  7. Saved Search folders disappeared after upgrading to TB15? - please tag these topics tb15savedsearch - not convinced this is really a bug
  8. 1 report of gcal 0.16 causing a hang - please tag these topics tb15gcalhang, [gs]
  9. praise: [gs1]
  10. Zindus is broken in TB15?!? - please tag these topics tb15zindus - [gs] - Did it fail version bump? Does it also have a binary component like Lightning (and possibly the Exchange add-on?)
  11. 1 report of emails not being sent to meeting invitees by Lightning - please tag these topics tb15lightningemail
  12. 1 report of quicktext add-on not being compatible with TB15?!? - please tag these topics tb15quicktext

Thu August 30, 2012

not in order

Fri August 31, 2012

Sat September 1, 2012

Next Release