Webdev/Beer And Tell/September2012

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Date, Time, Location

2PM Pacific, Friday September 21st

Webdev Vidyo channel (798).

If you need to call in: +1 650 903 0800, x92 or +1 800 707 2533 (password on intranet) Then enter 9798#

  • Recording:
  • Blog post:

Liquid Consumed

Memes produced


The limit is 5 minutes per speaker. It's like a lightning talk, but don't feel that you have to have slides in order to make a presentation.

Presenter Topic Media (links) More Details Beer
Kevin NgoMobile-fying Subwayhttp://github.com/thedjpetersen/subwayAdding responsive design to an IRC web client.
tofumattFace Valuehttp://github.com/tofumatt/argentA currency converter that lets you think in cash.Don de Dieu
Les Orcharddropbox-js and notational-vaporhttps://github.com/lmorchard/notational-vaporUsing dropbox-js to build a quick and responsive notebook in the cloudThe Round Barn Brewery Amber Ale