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Revision as of 12:52, 31 January 2007 by Plasticmillion (talk | contribs)
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Thomas Bassetto, Geckozone team

Allan Beaufour - Joost

Pierre-Yves Beaudouin, Geckozone team (french-speaking community)

Bernd - layout (tables)


Patrick Brunschwig - Enigmail

Frédéric Chateaux - FrenchMozilla team

Cédric Corazza - FrenchMozilla team

Philippe Dessante - Frenchmozilla team

Sébastien Deleuze, Geckozone team

Karsten 'Mnyromyr' Düsterloh - SeaMonkey swamp member ;-), Mnenhy

Alexander Fritze - Croczilla, Joost

Matt Gertner - AllPeers

Gerv - Mozilla Foundation

Axel Hecht - Mozilla Europe, Mozilla Corporation

Ludovic Hirlimann - Joost

Chris Hofmann - (tentative) moco

Robert Kaiser (KaiRo) - SeaMonkey, L10n

Adrian 'Adrianer' Kalla - Team (Polish SeaMonkey l10n)

Brian King -, Briks Software

Gijs Kruitbosch

Benoit Leseul, FrenchMozilla Team

Simon Montagu, Mozilla Corporation

Andreas Otte

Olli 'smaug' Pettay

Ville Pohjanheimo, Finnish L10n

Marek 'Marcoos' Stępień - Team (Polish Firefox l10n)
