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< MozCampAsia2012
Revision as of 21:47, 22 October 2012 by AmyT (talk | contribs)
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To give MozCamp attendees a chance to get hands-on with Web Apps and Firefox OS, we are hosting an open hacking lounge in the main area that people can visit throughout the event. The lounge will be divided into two sides, one for hacking on FFOS, the other for hacking on Web Apps.

We'll have devices, handouts, and people on hand to help you get started!

Firefox OS


Have you heard about open web apps and want to learn more? The Apps Hacking Lounge will be an interactive area where you can get started creating apps, test them on tablets and phones, see demos, and ask questions.

Everyone who makes an app will get a special prize!

    • Look for a special Apps sticker on people's name badges and flag that person down with any questions about Apps!