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Why Participate?

There are many benefits of participating in the Mission MozCamp program, including:

The question you should be asking yourself is, “Why not?” MozCamp is the time to meet people around the world all working on the same mission: To promote openness, innovation & opportunity on the Web.

Mission MozCamp is a way to make sure you get the opportunity to connect with someone else at MozCamp who is working on a similar project as you so that you can work together to achieve your goals. It’s also a way to make sure we all arrive at MozCamp with a mission in mind to make the most of our time together.

Mission MozCamp is also a way that Mozillians around the world can see what great things you’re up to and inspire them to act! Mozillians that tweet about their experiences (using tags #Mission #MozCamp), and keep their wiki’s up-to-date could win awesome prizes - including a feature in one of our upcoming Mozilla videos as well as some seriously sweet gear.

Steps to Participate

1. October 15th: Create a mission wiki page by Oct. 15th. This is where you can think about what projects you might want to find out more, get involved in, or even start! As well as think about who you want to be sure to meet and what knowledge do you want to share. You can check out some examples here.

Once you’ve completed your wiki page, give us a tweet about how excited you are about your #Mission #MozCamp.

All wiki pages should be posted under your name in the 'My Mission' section below.

2.November 12th: We will pair you with a buddy and announce the pairings below.

4. November 16th: Try to say hi to your buddy at the Friday Welcome Event! When registering, each person will be given a sticker that has the name of their buddy - please wear this so your buddy can find you! Other than that, take the time to chill and catch up with Mozillians.

5. November 17th: TBD

6. November 18th: During the Sunday afternoon break, gather for a few minutes with your buddy and touch-base on next steps. We will also provide a large board on which you can post your accomplishments!

7. December 2nd and December 16th: Follow-up with your buddy on their progress! As you connect with them, encourage them to record their progress in their wiki page and recognize their accomplishments by tweeting them using #Mission #MozCamp

8. We'll select a few individuals who have done a great job on achieving their goals and recognizing their buddies on December 16th to receive a special surprise :)

Mission Page Template

<createbox> preload=MozCampAsia2012/Buddyprogram/template prefix=MozCampAsia2012/Buddyprogram/ default=Your name goes here… buttonlabel=Set your mission! </createbox>

The Mission page template is available here

My Mission

View all MozCamp Missions

Mission MozCamp Activities

  • Get to know one another during the Welcome Party on Friday evening
  • Touch-base on Saturday afternoon (more details coming soon!) and during the break on Sunday afternoon
  • Connect with one another 2 weeks after MozCamp and 1 month after MozCamp

Tweet your buddy or write a blog about your progress using #Mission #MozCamp