Calendar:QA TestDay:2007-02-09

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Revision as of 07:01, 9 February 2007 by Lilmatt (talk | contribs) (updated links)
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<< Back to Calendar QA TestDays

When is the test day?

  • The test day will run from 13:00 UTC on {{{startmonth}}} 9th 2007 to 01:00 UTC on {{{endmonth}}} 10th 2007. The test day will start exactly when the nightly builds are available and will end 8 hours later. We realize that this may not be optimal for all our testers, so if there is great demand, we will extend the ending time.
  • Find the starting time in your timezone
  • Find the ending time in your timezone

Where do I start?

OK, I am in the channel, now what?

Let the moderators know if you have any questions or encounter any problems. If you are not familiar with our bugzilla bug tracking system, feel free to report your problems to a moderator and they can log any bugs for you.

Who will be moderating the #calendar-qa channel on the Test Days?

The moderator's nicks for this test day will be:

  • ctalbert
  • ssitter
  • Fallen
  • mschroeder
  • Andreas
  • Sebo

What build should I test?

We will be testing the latest nightly builds of Sunbird and Lightning:


Lightning (for Thunderbird 3.0b2pre):

What specifically will we be testing?

We will be testing ONLY 0.3.1 builds. We need to test all localizations as well as the calendaring functionality. We need to ensure that 0.3.1 is ready for release.

You can download these builds from the above links.

We need to test these Localizations:

  • Catalan (ca)
  • Czech (cs)
  • Danish (da)
  • German (de)
  • Spanish (Spain) (es-ES)
  • Basque (eu)
  • French (fr)
  • Irish (ga-IE)
  • Hungarian (hu)
  • Italian (it)
  • Dutch (nl)
  • Polish (pl)
  • Russian (ru)
  • Slovak (sk)
  • Slovenian (sl)

On each locale we need to be sure that:

  • All dialogs and windows display properly
  • Access keys work
  • Translations are clear and accurate
  • Input with that locale's alphabet is accepted and displayed properly

We need to test the following in both 0.3.1 clean installs and upgrade (from 0.3) installs:

  • All recurring appointments
  • Changed Timezones
  • All Calendar Types
  • Drag/Drop
  • Copy?Paste
  • Navigation


Though we don't expect things to go wrong, we always strongly encourage you to back up your profile and to do your testing on a "test" profile.

Backing up a profile is easy:
1. Find your profile directory:

OS Thunderbird Profile Sunbird Profile
Windows %AppData%\Thunderbird %AppData%\Mozilla\Sunbird
Linux ~/.thunderbird ~/.mozilla/sunbird
MacOSX ~/Library/Thunderbird ~/Library/Application Support/Sunbird

2. Copy the root of it somewhere else, for example copy the Thunderbird or Sunbird directory and everything below it.

Creating a testing profile is also easy:

  1. Launch your application with a -P option (from a terminal prompt)
  2. Create a new profile by clicking the 'Create Profile' button
  3. Click 'Next', Give it a name like "Testing Profile", Click 'Finish'
  4. Select the testing profile, and click the 'Start Calendar' (Or 'Start Shredder' in Thunderbird) button.

Remember that you will have to start the application with the -P option during testing so you can pick your testing profile

Once you've finished testing, you can delete the extra profiles and you'll be back to normal. If something goes terribly wrong (although we don't expect it to), close the application and just replace the profile with the backed up copy. That will reset the application to the way it was before you started testing.

Testing Instructions

To Run Litmus Test Cases

Build ID Test Day
OS      | Sunbird    | Lightning
Linux   | TODO | TODO
Mac     | TODO | TODO
Windows | TODO | TODO
  1. Download Sunbird or Lightning from the above URLs
  2. Create your testing profile (see above)
  3. Go to Litmus.
    1. Select Run Tests, the Product is Calendar. Your buildId should match the one in the table above. Verify that it does. Sunbird's buildId is in the "About Sunbird" window. Lightning's buildId is in its description in the Add-ons Manager.
    2. Choose a Test group and subgroup to test on. If you are running the lightning-wcap extension, please run the "Prototypes" and "WCAP Calendar" tests prior to other tests.
    3. Follow the test steps and verify the function under test works as described in Expected Results.
    4. If the test case performs as expected, mark it as a "Pass". If not, mark it as a "Fail" and then enter a bug (see below).
    5. When you've finished one test, go to the next test by clicking the test case name.
    6. Once you've completed all the tests in a group, click the "Submit All Results" button at the bottom.


  1. In the process of working with the Bugzilla or Litmus, you may find another bug. When you think you've found a bug, try to reproduce it. Restart Sunbird/Lightning and do the same steps again. The most valuable bugs are those that can be reproduced.
  2. Once the bug has been reproduced, search for it or something similar on Bugzilla. This can easily be done by searching for the error message, window name, or some other identifying feature of the bug. If you found an existing bug that is just like the bug you found, read the comments. Maybe your situation is slightly different and your input could help developers find the origin of the bug.
  3. If you can't find the bug in Bugzilla, talk about it in the channel. Maybe others can confirm your bug or find a similar bug in Bugzilla. This also gives moderators a chance to guide you to either provide more details, update an existing bug or file a new bug.
  4. If you are certain you found a unique bug and have read the Bug Writing Guidelines and Bugzilla Etiquette, go ahead and file the bug in Bugzilla. Remember to be as specific as possible.

Some other ways you can help:

  • Think of some test cases that aren't already included in Litmus (we love suggestions!).
  • Ask your friends to join you. The more people to help the better!
  • Consider looking at the Calendar ToDo list, there is much you can help with.

Where do I find Litmus and Bugzilla?

  • Bugzilla can be found at
  • A list of Calendar specific bugs (without enhancements) can be found here
  • A list of already filed enhancement requests can be found here


  • Make sure you enter the correct information for your platform, version of Thunderbird, Lightning etc. Please include the full build identifier (i.e Thunderbird (20070326) with Lightning 0.8pre (2008020504)).
  • Be sure to read the Testing Instructions above before filing a bug.
  • Feel free to ask on IRC if you need help or have any more questions.

How do I send feedback?

Please use email us at dev-apps-calendar at to send feedback about how the testday went, any overall thoughts about Sunbird and Lightning, and to follow up on issues found and bugs filed. We really appreciate your help today and your feedback is very valuable.


The reward for this test day will be the pride and comfort in releasing a well tested, quality release for 0.3.1. The tester that runs through the most locales and the most tests will have his or her nickname proudly displayed in our channel topic until the next test day. And of course, should you discover a high priority bug that stops the release, then you will win.

Thank you very much for your help.