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Goals Progress

Below are our top level goals. Beneath each goal, note any progress made towards that goal this week.

  • Ensure B2G has all test automation available to prepare for launch
    • [ON TRACK] Deploy B2G Test Automation into TBPL running on Emulator and Panda platforms. Specifically we are turning on:
      • [DONE] Mochitest-plain (emulator first, panda second)
      • [SKIPPED] Mochitest-chome (emulator first, panda second)
      • [DONE] Reftest (emulator first, panda second
      • [ON TRACK] xpcshell (panda)
      • [DONE] webAPI (emulator only
      • [ON TRACK] webQA - gaia front end tests emulator and panda
      • [ON TRACK] gaia dev integration/unit tests emulator and panda
    • [ON TRACK] Maintain B2G dog food update server as well as builds for development and QA while working to hand them off to releng
    • [ON TRACK] Ensure all webAPIs testable through the emulator have comprehensive automated tests
    • [ON TRACK] Continue to aid QA in creating automated tests for B2G
  • Expand and stabilize Test Automation on new and existing device platforms for NEON and ARMv6 support.
    • [ON TRACK] Have (ARMv6)boards smoketest ready - rooted, working, plugged into Autophone
    • [ON TRACK] Monitor deployment of large scale android and B2G panda board testing, aid with bug investigations
    • [ON TRACK] Implement a new pool-based approach for device management in automation to increase stability on all mobile device testing
    • [ON TRACK] Deploy Autophone (Noah's Ark) mochitest and robocop test abilities.
  • Create and deploy performance automation for desktop, fennec, and B2G product benchmarks
    • [ON TRACK] Create Eideticker tests for B2G on panda boards and run them once a day
    • [ON TRACK] Monitor Datazilla webservices and ensure our accuracy in detecting performance regressions on a per-push basis
    • [ON TRACK] Deploy Datazilla per-push UI to make it easier for developers to dig into the causes of performance regressions
  • Update our bugzilla instance to 4.2 providing many benefits from UI to helping people keep track of bugs/projects from within Bugzilla.
    • [ON TRACK] Deploy 4.2 version of Bugzilla
    • [ON TRACK] Ensure that bug migration tools are in place for B2G so that we can share bugs with outside services and partners.
    • [ON TRACK] Complete the 'Sandstone' CSS update
    • [ON TRACK] Rework browserID <--> BMO integration
    • [ON TRACK] Deliver user and product dashboards
    • [ON TRACK] Deploy tracking flags extension database optimization
  • Make the process of sheriffing easier by updating TBPL and helping make it easier to handle the intermittent test problem
    • [ON TRACK] Aid with B2G changes so that B2G oranges tracked in Orange factor, B2g tests show up in TBPL
    • [ON TRACK] Make it easier to sheriff and diagnose issues through better notification and automatic suggestions of issues for intermittent failures
    • [DONE] Split mochitest browser-chrome from mochitest-other to improve parallelism and overall turnaround time.
    • [ON TRACK] Make orange factor update more than once a day to help make it easier to see changes over time
    • [ON TRACK] Assist with getting Datazilla's UI integrated with TBPL, phase 1
  • Expand and Modernize the QA Automation framework as well as make it easier and more clear how to write automated tests for QA.
    • [ON TRACK] Re-organize and improve the automated testing documentation at MDN
    • [ON TRACK] Develop first round of unit tests for WebRTC
    • [ON TRACK] Ensure all B2G device WebAPIs testable through emulators have comprehensive low level test coverage


This is a place for people to put announcements or to describe activities that they'd like to highlight. It's not the responsibility of the MC to find things to put here.

In-Depth Project Discussion

Pick one project/presenter per week who will give a detail presentation on their project.

The Overview

Progress, notes, problems, and other statuses about current projects. Add any new projects to this template!

AutoPhone/Noah's Ark




Firebug Testing



Mobile Automation

  • [mcote] mozpool back end just about complete (~1-2 days).

Mobile Evangelism Site-Scraping Tool





New Graphserver (Datazilla)

Open Web Apps




Signal From Noise




Sheriffing & Trees



War on Orange

Web QA

Automation Development

Upcoming Events

Standing weekly meeting related to our projects should go here

Round Table

Put your questions and things to raise with the entire team here

Take notes here and copy and paste them to this section afterwards.


Holidays and Trips

Next week MC


Find something you think is cool, interesting, funny, or exciting and put it here