Webdev/Beer And Tell/March2012

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Date, Time, Location

2PM Pacific, Friday March 16th

Wevdev Vidyo channel (798).

If you need to call in: +1 650 903 0800, x92 or +1 800 707 2533 (password on intranet) Then enter 9798#

Beer Consumed



The limit is 5 minutes per speaker. It's like a lightning talk, but don't feel that you have to have slides in order to make a presentation.

Presenter Topic Media (links) More Details Beer
Gregory Koberger Firefoxes http://gkoberger.net/n/firefoxes Running multiple Firefox installations with ease Yuengling
Gregory Koberger Webdev T-Shirts TBA We have a demo shirt! Yuengling
Paul McLanahan ScrumBugs scrumbu.gs a scrummy look at your bugzilla data Sweet Josie Brown Ale
James Long Outlet VM http://jlongster.com/s/outlet/debugger.html I got a register-based VM for Outlet working which lets me debug and step through code Widmer Brothers
Jen Piranha NoodleTalk (tm) http://noodletalk.herokuapp.com I made a chat in node/express and now people are contributing fixes Wine (not beer)
Owen Social Share buttons http://people.mozilla.org/~ocoutts/SocialShare/small.html I made share buttons that don't leak data.
Potch yabu http://people.mozilla.com/~mclaypotch/yabu/?@potch%20milestone:6.4.8 Yet Another Bugzilla UI Hooray Beer