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Following Along

We have a blog for progress updates. Our developer tools also appear on the Mozilla Hacks site from time-to-time (Hacks is a great resource for web developers in general!)

Where to Dive In

We've got a lot of projects going (or getting started), and there are many interesting things to dive into. Take a look at our feature list to see where you can help.

We also have a bugzilla query to find good bugs to try out in the developer tools area. If you want to pick one of these up, feel free to ask for help in attacking the bug right in the bug itself, or in #devtools on or on the dev-apps-firefox mailing list!

One more useful link: all open developer tools bugs might have other items you'd find interesting to work on.

Getting the Source

Simply follow the instructions here. Note that you will need to use:

hg clone

Instead of:

hg clone

Getting In Touch