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This page is a rollup of all the bug queries floating across the B2G project. This will include Gonk, Gaia, Gecko, and Marketplace.

Gecko, WebAPIs, B2G

Triage Times

  • Weekly Triage times are posted HERE

Searches used during triage

By Milestone

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Latest Triage Shortcuts

Old Triages


Identity Bugs

QA Queries

Joint Triage Queries

Details on the new joint queries

  • blocking-basecamp will be deprecated as soon as possible - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=830433
  • blocking-b2g:tef? is for CRITICAL bug fixes that we'd like to be considered for v1.0.0.0 after 1/15/2013
  • blocking-b2g:tef+ is for bugs that we've got agreement with partners about needing as part of v1.0.0.0
  • tracking-b2g18:+ ensures that it'll be on our radar for the v1 timeframe, and tracking-b2g18:? represents a nomination
  • tracking-b2g18:19+ ensures that it will be on our radar for the 6 weeks after v1.0 code ships (to be fixed prior to FF19's release). This flag will be used for security bugs fixed in FF19, for instance.
  • status-b2g18 represents the fix status on the v1.* branches