SeaMonkey:Home Page

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Revision as of 14:59, 30 March 2005 by Paper (talk | contribs) (Tracking bug invalid, we use a bugzilla flag now)
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The Mozilla "SeaMonkey" application suite should get its new wiki home here.


The Mozilla Foundation has announced that there won't be any more official releases of the Mozilla Application Suite (codename: SeaMonkey), but they will provide infrastructure for community members who wish to continue development. SeaMonkey survival will need a new team that cares about that product and that will take over the lead for its development.

What we currently need for the survival of this product is some place to turn to for people who want to support us, and a plan for how the immediate future of SeaMonkey should look. Additionally, someone should be the project leader and officially the contact for the "outside world" (MoFo, etc.) on matters that concern the SeaMonkey project. We're still working on that.

Boris Zbarsky has posted an open letter to MoFo signed by a number of interested parties, laying out a community transition plan. MoFo has agreed to support this plan.

MoFo Transition Plan Announcement

Boris Zbarsky's Open Letter

The plan

We have created a Council group. This group will have final say over which bugs are in and which are out for a particular release (and be the group that has control over the relevant bugzilla flags), will be responsible for finding people to work on the bugs that need to be fixed, etc. We'll also need a mailing list for this group of people.

Our Project Goals document describes where the project is basically headed.

For one thing, we have to get a first release out the door.

In preparation, we need testers to work on SeaMonkey QA to help improve the quality of this first release.

A 'blocking-seamonkey1.0a' flag has been set up in bugzilla to help keep track of what needs to be done before the first release. You can create your own query with this flag, or view the open approved bugs and yet to be approved bugs blocking the release.

For the future, the first step, is that we have to get SeaMonkey to use the infrastructure of the new products (for example the toolkit which is discussed in bug 255807), preferrably up to the whole XULRunner thingy. We also should port a few things of the new apps back to SeaMonkey, but retain what makes us like the suite.

I guess we could do a list here of what's to do and who is working on what.

An overview of some thoughts of what has to be done is available at the user page of Biesi

The team

A group of very active SeaMonkey developers has recently gathered on IRC and agreed on a Council who are responsible for project and release mangement.

That doesn't mean we don't need an even bigger group of developers working on the product or taking resposibilities of certain areas in the project. We also need people doing QA and regular testing on our product. How those groups will be structured and organized is currently being discussed and we hope to have some information about that soon.

A list of the currently known supporters is kept on a separate page (SeaMonkey:Supporters).


The next official meeting on IRC is on Tuesday April 5th 2005 at 17:00 UTC.

If you have agenda items, please e-mail Alex Vincent with your ideas.