L10n:Thunderbird 2 Sign Offs

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L10n:Home Page

Localizations done

Please add your locale here, including date of owner sign-off (PST times, please) and describe the QA you did on which builds/platforms. Bonus points if you can run through the Thunderbird l10n tests on litmus.mozilla.org. Please add your locales in alphabetical order, as === ab-CD ===.



  • Windows:
  • Linux:
  • Mac:


Signing off Catalan (ca) Thunderbird 2 for all platforms. Toniher 07:00, 17 March 2007 (PDT)


  • Windows:
  • Linux:
  • Mac:


  • Windows: Hansen 11:51, 8 March 2007 (PST) - Testet all new functions, all menus and several other things.
  • Linux: Hansen 11:51, 8 March 2007 (PST) - Testet by a couple of users (one of the translators too).
  • Mac: Haven't had a build yet, so I can't sign it off. I didn't make the alpha/beta releases. We don't have access to a Mac either.
  • Dictionary: Could someone have a look at the Danish dictionary bug? bug 370751


I (Alexander Ihrig - german mail owner) sign-off German (de) Thunderbird 2 for Linux and Windows. In german support forums no special problems for OS X Thunderbird were reported.

BTW: ISP Google Mail is now correct and the old rdf is replaced by the new one.


  • Windows:15-Mar-2007 15:27 - OK ready to launch.
  • Linux:15-Mar-2007 12:28 - OK ready to launch
  • Mac: not tested but always is OK


  • Windows: Litmus results Passed. Mark 09:12, 13 March 2007 (PDT)
  • Linux: Litmus results Passed. --MarkTyndall 06:11, 20 March 2007 (PDT)
  • Mac: No Mac available for testing, but no bugs or reported discrepancies.

Signing off en-GB --MarkTyndall 06:14, 20 March 2007 (PDT)


  • Windows: 12-Mar-2007 15:03 - Litmus tests ok, ready to launch.
  • Linux: 12-Mar-2007 11:31 - Tested by two peers, ready to launch.
  • Mac: Not tested, as usual it should work ok.


  • Windows: RickieesES 15:18, 12 March 2007 (PDT) - Everything looks OK now. Just waiting for es-ES start page showing up (we're pending of banner translation) in a couple of days, hopefully.
  • Linux: RickieesES 15:18, 12 March 2007 (PDT) Everything looks OK. Just waiting for es-ES start page showing up (we're pending of banner translation) in a couple of days, hopefully.
  • Mac: RickieesES 15:18, 12 March 2007 (PDT) We got reports of too narrow sizes in Account Manager and Preferences windows; I haven't been able to re-test, but I think it must be solved now.


I sign-off Basque (eu) Thunderbird 2 for all platforms --Igartua 07:38, 15 March 2007 (PDT)


  • Windows: VilleP Signoff 13.3. 12pm PST. Daily usage ok.
  • Linux: VilleP Signoff 13.3. 12pm PST. Daily usage ok.
  • Mac: VilleP No access to a mac, but I'd still opt to signoff 13.3. 12pm PST as UI changes between 1.5 and 2.0 are very small (and for 1.5. I did have a mac to test with)



  • Windows: Kinger Signoff 19-Mar-2007 22:25CET - OK ready for release.
  • Linux: Kinger Signoff 19-Mar-2007 22:25CET - OK ready for release.
  • Mac: Untested.


  • Windows:
  • Linux:
  • Mac:


  • Windows: Litmus tests passed, start page OK, PASSED Timar
  • Linux: Litmus tests passed, start page OK, PASSED Timar
  • Mac:


  • Windows: Daily usage OK.
  • Linux: Verified all components OK.
  • Mac: Litmus results: PASSED, : Flod 10:43, 11 March 2007 (PDT), with daily usage of localized TB 2 nigthlies in the last months both on Mac Intel e PPC


  • Windows:
  • Linux:
  • Mac:

We want to bundle an English dictionary for spell-checker, like zh-TW locale. Our l10n lead (dynamis) will handle it. See Bug 374036 for details. --Yoshino 13:33, 19 March 2007 (PDT)


  • Windows:
  • Linux:
  • Mac:


  • Windows:
  • Linux:
  • Mac:


  • Windows:
  • Linux:
  • Mac:


  • Windows: Daily usage – OK. Litmus tests passed. Start page is OK (Tatjana, Sigita).
  • Linux: Daily usage – OK. Start page is OK.
  • Mac:


  • Windows: Basic tests ok
  • Linux: Basic tests ok
  • Mac: Basic tests ok


  • Windows:
  • Linux:
  • Mac:


  • Windows: Basic functionality tests OK. Daily usage last week OK. Start page OK (hmork).
  • Linux:
  • Mac:


Signing off Dutch (nl) Thunderbird 2 for windows and Linux. No problems with Mac reported in the forums Mad Maks 02:51, 19 March 2007 (PDT)


  • Windows: Basic functionality tests OK (havard.mork).
  • Linux:
  • Mac:


  • Windows:
  • Linux:
  • Mac:


Signing off Polish Thunderbird 2 for all platforms. Marcoos 07:26, 9 March 2007 (PST)


  • Windows: Litmus tests done. Pass: 12. Fail: 0. Signoff 2007-03-20 02:00 PST.
  • Linux: Litmus tests done. Pass: 12. Fail: 0. Signoff 2007-03-20 02:00 PST.
  • Mac:


  • Windows: Litmus tests, PASSED, lloco73 , 2007-03-12 used on windowsXP since first installer with pt-PT localization
  • Linux: Litmus tests, PASSED, jneves, 2007-03-11.
  • Mac:


  • Windows: Litmus results: PASSED, Unghost, 2007-03-10, 22:42 UTC
  • Linux: Litmus results: PASSED, Unghost, 2007-03-10, 00:13 UTC + daily usage of Tb 2 nightlies on Linux
  • Mac: We've done basic tests and fixed remaining bugs. Unghost, 2007-03-13, 20:30 UTC

Signing off Russian Thunderbird 2 for all platforms. Unghost 2007-03-13, 20:30 UTC


  • Windows: Litmus results: PASSED, 2007-03-13, 13:47 PST + daily usage of Tb 2 nightlies on Win Vista and Win XP
  • Linux: Litmus results: PASSED, 2007-03-16, 16:19 PST - Linux
  • Mac: Litmus results: PASSED, 2007-03-16, 13:17 PST - Mac OS X 10.4

Signing off Slovak Thunderbird 2 for all platforms. 2007-03-17, 16:20 (PST)


  • Windows: basic functionality tests done (by the sl community); signed-off: 2007-03-14
  • Linux: basic functionality tests done; signed-off: 2007-03-14
  • Mac: don't have a Mac to test on, sorry



  • Windows: Daily usage. Looks good. PASS.
  • Linux: Daily usage. Looks good. PASS.
  • Mac: Daily usage. Looks good. PASS.


  • Windows:Litmus tests done. Start page is OK. PASSED
  • Linux:
  • Mac:


  • Windows:
  • Linux:
  • Mac: