Engagement/Developer Engagement/DeveloperEventsProcess

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Developer Events Process

The Developer Engagement group continually receives requests for Mozilla to participate in and/or sponsor events of interest to developers working with open web technologies. This wiki page describes the process takes place when determining Mozilla's level of participation in each event.

Guiding Principles

These are the principles that inform the process and the resulting decisions about event participation:

  • Events Mozilla participates in must promote open web technologies or other elements of the Mozilla Mission
  • At least one Mozilla employee or community member must attend any event that Mozilla sponsors; stated differently, a Mozilla employee or community member must be passionate enough about the event that he or she will attend
  • The Mozilla community, and in particular, the Mozilla Reps Council will play a key role in decision making and implementation

Process Steps

Intake & Review

  1. Requests for event participation are made through a form on Mozilla's website that captures key details about the event and the level of participation and sponsorship sought from Mozilla. Completion of the form will automatically populate a Google Doc spreadsheet.
  2. Requests made through the Mozilla website are combined with event requests that have been fielded internally from various points within the Mozilla community and collectively maintained in a master document containing all the relevant details for each event.
    • If the Mozilla Reps Council has directly received a request for a locally/regionally-focused event, for which participation costs up to USD$5,000, they will take a vote on whether to approve the event based on the Guiding Principles (above).
    • If the Reps Council votes in favor of any request involving a sponsorship amount greater than than USD$5,000, they will pass it along to the Developer Engagement group for further discussion at least 30 days prior to the start of the event. The Reps Council must be able to confirm at least one member from the Mozilla community who will attend this event.
  3. The Mozilla Reps Council and a representative from the Developer Engagement team will meet biweekly to review Reps-sourced requests that require sponsorships greater than USD$5,000 and Developer Engagement event requests identifying Mozilla Reps from the community to participate.
  4. The Developer Engagement team will meet weekly to discuss new event requests and determine which events Mozilla will support according to the developer events Guiding Principles (above).
  5. If an event is approved, it will go into one of two tracks:
    • A track for events managed by Developer Engagement - these are larger events that require a speaker from the Technology Evangelism group, or other special handling. They are expected to be fewer in number, and management these type of events is not further discussed in this process.
    • A track to be managed and executed by a Mozilla Rep.
  6. If the event is declined, the Mozilla point of contact with whom the requester was communicating will send a e-mail informing the requester of the decision, explaining the reason(s) and possibly suggesting opportunities for future Mozilla participation.


  1. Once an event has been approved by the Reps Council, the Council will name a qualified Mozilla Rep representative to manage Mozilla's participation.
  2. The Rep will handle the sponsorship logistics, including contract execution and payment, supplying logos, company descriptions, and swag as appropriate. An event resource library will be available to provide commonly-requested items, and any trademark or logo requirements can be found on the Mozilla Style Guide page.
  3. The Rep will attend the event and write a summary report of the experience, including a recommendation about future participation.

Migration from Old Process

  1. The old process relies on event requests being sent to the dev-events alias for consideration. That e-mail alias will be modified to send an automated response pointing the requester to the new web form.