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Revision as of 19:03, 7 March 2013 by Jsocol (talk | contribs) (→‎Q1)
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Feel free to add also add events to:



  • Feb 2-3 Fosdem Brussels
    • r1cky
  • Feb 25-Mar 1 ConFoo Montreal, Canada
    • andym (speaking)
    • ErikRose (speaking)
    • tofumatt (speaking)
  • Feb 26-28 ApacheCon Portland, OR
    • laura (speaking)
  • Mar 2-3 jQueryTO Toronto, Canada
    • ednapiranha (speaking)
  • Mar 15-17 PyCon Santa Clara, USA
    • ashort
    • andym
    • robhudson
    • kumar
    • Wraithan
    • selenamarie (speaking)
    • ErikRose (speaking)
    • will kahn-greene
    • lars (tentative if given leave from home duties)
    • ubernostrum (speaking)
    • peterbe
    • lorchard
    • espressive


  • March 15 onGameStart NY
    • jlongster (speaking)
  • April OSDC.tw Taipei
    • selenamarie (speaking, keynote)
  • Write The Docs, April 8-9, Portland, OR
    • Wraithan (organizing)
    • jsocol (proposing talk)
  • May DjangoCon Warsaw, Poland
    • andym (talk proposed)
  • May 22-23 GlueCon Denver, CO
    • lorchard
  • JSConf JSConf May 29-31
    • selenamarie (speaking)
    • jlongster
  • June 18-21 Open Source Bridge Portland, OR
    • Wraithan (proposing multiple talks when proposals open)
