Bugzilla:Software Matrix

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Revision as of 08:56, 19 June 2007 by Wurblzap (talk | contribs) (Perl 5.8.4 had problems with 3.0 according to support-bugzilla@)
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This page details versions of Bugzilla's required software that are currently known (not) to work with bugzilla. Software, certainly open-source software, is constantly improved and extended, with subsequent releases. When a version isn't listed on this page, you can still expect it to work. Feel free to add new known (not) working versions to keep this page up to date.

Bugzilla 3.0

In general, see the release notes and the information for Bugzilla 2.22.X .


It has been suggested that problems with Perl's Email-Send module might be solvable by upgrading Perl 5.8.4 to 5.8.8.

Bugzilla 2.22.X


Windows: ActiveState Perl

Version Status Comments
before ActiveState Perl 5.8.1 NOT OK <- is this still true if you do 'ppm remove CGI' && 'ppm install CGI.pm' ? Bugzilla needs CGI.pm version 2.93 or higher
ActiveState Perl 5.8.1 OK Minimum Requirement
ActiveState Perl 5.8.4 OK
ActiveState Perl 5.8.6 NOT OK bug in Time::Local 1.10

ActiveState Perl 5.8.8 (build 817)

ActiveState Perl 5.8.8 (build 819) NOT OK Can't locate IO/Wrap.pm in @INC Run 'ppm install IO-stringy' to fix the problem

Specific Modules

see release notes


Version Status Comments
MySQL 4.0.14 or higher OK Minimum Requirement
MySQL 4.1 or higher OK reset the password using OLD_PASSWORD (for windows: see win32install.html)
MySQL 5.0.24a OK reset the password using OLD_PASSWORD
MySQL 5.0.25 and higher; MySQL 5.1.12 and higher OK since 2.22.2 and 2.23.4
(TEXT and BLOB columns do not support DEFAULT values)


Version Status Comments
DBD::mysql 2.9003 - 3.0002 OK
DBD::mysql 3.0003 - 3.0006 NOT OK Active statement handles not correctly closed
DBD::mysql 3.0007 and higher OK


Version Status Comments
PostgreSQL 7.3.x OK Minimum Requirement
PostgreSQL 8.x OK


Version Status Comments
Apache HTTP Server 2.0.X OK
Apache HTTP Server 2.2.X OK if using mod_perl, mod_perl 2.0.3 or higher is required, due to a bug in handling ExecCGI in PerlConfigRequires in Apache 2.2


Version Status Comments