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This Project Is Complete
This page contains all of the important details for Betafarm.

Elevator Pitch

Betafarm is an attempt to present a single reference point for all innovation projects at Mozilla. It will be a directory-style website that helps visitors who are looking to understand what Mozilla is working on "next" to find those projects. As such, it is expected to point people to places on the web where projects happen (rather than be a place where people do things).


Specs & Documentation


The primary and secondary contacts for each role of this project:

  • Product Owner - David Ascher
  • Content Owner - Havi Hoffman
  • TPM - Benjamin Sternthal
  • Developers - Paul Maclanahan / Matthew MacPherson
  • IT - Brandon Burton (solarce)
  • QA - Rebecca Billings
  • Security - Mark Goodwin
  • Privacy - Alina Hua

Vacation & Out-Of Office

Weekly Status Reports


Project Management