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May 2013 Metro Work Week

When & Where

  • When: May 13 - 17, 2013
  • Where: Mozilla Vancouver Office (video tour)
    • 163 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC (Google Map)
    • The Mozilla office is on the second floor. Please buzz in at the front door: #209
    • Floor alarm code is 0512 And should be set by the last person out each evening.
  • Hotel: Delta Vancouver Suites 550 West Hastings St. Vancouver, BC V6B 1L6. Phone 604-689-8188
  • More information: Weather forecast
  • Shared Google Map with office, hotel, and restaurant locations


  • Breakfast: 9:00 AM at Vancouver office
  • Lunch: Noon at Vancouver office
  • Team Dinner: Reservations have been made at the Irish Heather - 212 Carrall Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 2J2(604)688-9779


  • Strategies to Improve:
    • Team Velocity
      • IDEA: Try for instant review if you understand the patch right away, otherwise try for same day review, otherwise comment with timeline. Reassign right away if you feel you aren't the best person for the review.
  • Maximizing developer hours
    • How long is too long to find new work?
    • How can we identify 'shovel-ready' bugs faster?
  • Who owns stories when the work bugs have many owners?
    • Quality & Defect Levels
  • Review and Revise Project Release Schedule: View Current Release Schedule
  • Review and Revise V1 MVP Product Feature Set: View Current V1 Story Backlog
  • Develop Aurora/Beta Release Criteria


Sunday May 12

  • Travel Day

Monday May 13

  • Agenda Review and Work Week Objectives

  • Design Presentation
    • A presentation from Yuan about Firefox Design Values and 2013 FX UX themes.
    • [10:15am - 11am] A vidyo presentation from Bill Selman about Firefox User Types.

  • Backlog Review & Clearing
    • Defect & Change Backlog - View
    • Planning Backlog - View
    • Triage Backlog - View
    • Contingency:

Tuesday May 14

  • Scope Planning
    • Review of P4 and P5 stories to remove from V1 - Asa to lead discussion - View Story Backlog
    • Review of implemented but not ready for prime time features for remove from V1 - Asa to lead discussion.
    • UX Papercuts discussion - Asa to lead gathering of annoyances glitches that we don't have documented already.

  • Production Performance
    • Feature Completeness
      • 33 Open Defects/Changes
        • 20 - Iterations #1 - #6
        • 10 - Legacy Features
        • 3 - To Be Allocated
      • 28% of all features are incomplete.
      • Baseline figure for future performance.
      • To be updated at the end of each iteration.
    • Velocity Performance
      • Benchmark is average 10% increase in velocity per iteration.
      • As of Iteration #6, we have averaged a 23% increase per iteration.
      • Performance will be updated at the conclusion of each iteration.
      • To be updated at the end of each iteration.
    • Quality Performance
      • Of all feature, defect and change stories submitted to QA for testing across all iterations:
        • 89% average pass rate.
        • 11% average fail rate.
        • 80% test coverage.
      • Baseline figures for future performance.
      • To be updated at the end of each iteration.

  • Product Development Discussion
    • Stability issues
    • Performance Issues
    • User Data

Wednesday May 15

  • Product Release Discussion
    • Aurora Uplift Criteria
    • Beta Uplift Criteria
    • Current forecast shows Nov 19 as 'expected' uplift to Aurora. Next mc merge after that is Dec. 9th, which puts us in the release channel on March 3rd, 2014.
    • What features remain that we consider critical for an Aurora uplift? How can we move uplift to a more reasonable date (Aug. 5th merge / Oct. 28th release)?
    • Release Management - Bhavana Bajaj will join us via Video Conference.
      • What iteration are we looking at to sync with the release cycle? Do we have a goal here? Here's the link to Relase Management Calendar to help sync up the dates
      • We should peek into metrics to get win8 ADI's on nightly(~20,000) ,aurora(<20,000) & beta(~95,000) to see if we are targeting the needed user population and have a strategy around uplift's.
      • Do our updates work fine? We should do a round of update testing on different win8 configurations . We never want to leave user's stranded an old build.
      • L10n - How many locales are we planning on supporting ? Do we have a cut-off on this for launch?
      • Stability - Given the limited population on nightly it is hard to get attention or track any new crashers. But once we move up the trains this will change. So we will need more Engineering/QA attention to help resolve these (
      • Get query of blockers ready to help track right bugs (metro-aurora-blockers, metro-beta-blockers).
      • Branding concerns ?

Thursday May 16

  • Automation Planning?
    • I understand that there is a multi-team group getting together to tackle this in the first week of June.
    • What can we do to help them hit that ground running?
    • Who's the point person from our group on this?
  • Debugging Hacks & Demonstrations - Development Team

Friday May 17

  • Travel Day