Mozilla 24

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Paris, France

Details coming soon.


Mozilla 24 will be held on Sept. 15, 2007 at Stanford University's Wallenberg Hall.


Please sign up below put yourself and use the template provided, as it will make it much easier for us to work with the data. Thanks!


  • Mike Shaver (shaver, add-ons, MDC); your cruise director
  • Alex Vincent (WeirdAl, editing/DOM/XUL enthusiast); eccentric
  • Myk Melez (myk, microsummaries, site-specific prefs, Forumzilla); conundrum
  • Matthew Gertner (plasticmillion, AllPeers, MozPad); jetlagged
  • Cedric Maloux (cmaloux, AllPeers CEO); no really, I have a degree in Computer Science

Probably (logistics)

"I'll be attending if I can sort out travel and timing."


"I'd like to have been there, but I have other commitments, or a severe allergy to lizard-logo T-shirts." (This will help us "size the market" for future such events, especially in this area.)