Maker Party/Materials List

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Maker Party Materials List

Spread the word

Press Package

Status Need Description Owner Bug Link
' Logo & Link Package Package to share w/ Press Chris A & Comms
' Press copy sheet: /Party Speaking Points for all MGMT/Spokespeople Content for staff, speakers, and supporters to focus on re: Maker Party Erica S & Rebeccah

Partner Package

Status Need Description Owner Bug Link
' Partners Logo & Link Package Package to share w/ partners Chris A & Comms
' Partner Message Box: Tweets, Blurbs, Synopses, CTAs, Links Content for partners to mention being part of the Maker Party and link to Erica S & Rebeccah
' Email Promo Template (Partner) Email your list. Send an email to your list that links people to Matt / Erica S.

Partier Package

Status Need Description Owner Bug Link
' Partier Package: Logos, Banners, Links Package to share w/ partiers Chris A & Comms
' Partier Message Box: tweets, links, social follow links, email signup Sample content for partiers to mention being part of the Maker Party and link to Erica S & Rebeccah
' Email Promo Template (Mentor/Makers) Email invitation to your list. Send an email to your list that links people to Matt / Erica S.

Event Promotion

Press Shoutout

Status Need Description Owner Bug Link
' Press 101 kit, plus template release, tips Let us send press to your events as a part of the Maker Party NEED Press kits/how-to Lainie

@webmaker Event Promo

Status Need Description Owner Bug Link
' Process "how to submit my Event to social media for promotional help" Rebeccah

Tell your story / report back on your events

Status Need Description Owner Bug Link
' Process/Function Request "how to add Partners to website" Brett/Cassie
' Process/Function Request "how to add Events/Makers to Heat Map" Brett/Cassie
' Process/Function Request "how to submit Report Back Thimbles" - facilitate report backs as submissions to, blog posts, gallery or feed Brett/Cassie
' Thimble-ize Report Back Optimize Bio Template for /Party report-back - Tell us what you did and why - show the projects you created Lainie & Chris L

Throw events

Downloadable branding and assets

Status Need Description Owner Bug Link
' Wiki or Download site Event Branding Kit hosting ? <link to DROPBOX folder, serve your own?>
' Logo & Invitation (other?) Event Branding Kit with logos, graphics and links to help visually align your event/ Chris A

Event Kits

Status Need Description Owner Bug Link
' Updated Event Hosting Kits How to Throw maker events, call them a part of the Maker Party Chris L
' Get in Touch to Become a Partner Partner with us to throw a marquee event. Get in touch [how] Matt?

Contribute to Maker Party

Submit projects / teaching guides / resources / party favors

Status Need Description Owner Bug Link
' Rebrand Thimble Hackable Kits for /party "Turn your passion, tool or big idea into a Maker Party project. Use one of these Thimble templates" Matt & Laura
' Process Where does anyone Submit Projects, what is review process? Matt & Laura & Brett/Cassie

Comms Support

Process, Planning & Strategy

Status Need Description Owner Bug Link
' Maker, Teach, Event, Map graphics The general use-case for the four top bullets are pre-party messaging Chris A
' Process: Define Comms workspace for assets, makes, copy and newsworthy content Solidify staff Dropbox, working pads, planning during Launch & /Party Comms w/Rebeccah
' Volunteer Kits (wikis) Update self serve/volunteer staff Matt (w/Comms support)