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Weekly Meeting

  • Team weekly meeting
    • Location: TPE 5A- Blue Mountain
    • Time: Wednesday, at 3:00 PM Taipei time
  • Media Recording weekly meeting
  • WebRTC
  • Presentation
    • Not a regular one, we host this kind of meeting only when need.
    • Talk about technical or developer life style topic that may take more than one hour.
    • Time: Monday, at 03:00 PM Taipei time.
      • 7/22: Cervantes - gdb
      • 7/27: Steven Lee - source inspector tools, source control tools.

Resource Deployment

Resource deployment on the active work.
FD: feature developer
FT: feature tester

  1. WebRTC on B2G:
    • FD: Steven Lee, S.C. Chien, Patrick Wang, Shian-Yow Wu
    • FD: John Lin
    • WIKI WebRTC on B2G
  2. RTSP:
    • FD: Benjamin Chen, Vincent Chang
  3. Audio Recording:
    • FD: Shelly Lin, Randy Lin
  4. Video Recording:
  5. Graphics
  6. WebAudio
    • FD: JW Wang
  7. System
    • FD: TingYuan Huang, Cervantes Yu
  8. Layout
    • FD: KanRu Chen
  9. Generic

Weekly status

Rule of thumb

Here is the basic rule of weekly report style.

Format of a working item
* Media Encoding Framework bug 879688           << level 1: abstract name, append META bug number if we have
** Encoding framework bug 842243 / Shelly       << Level 2: more specific/ individual task, append bug number and PIC
*** review: all patch get review+               << Level 3: item status, and comment

Keyword of item status

  • Analysis: a developer is still collecting information and knowledge for assigned topic
  • Design: a developer is constructing feature architecture or testing framework of assigned topic
  • Implementation: a developer is starting programming activity.
  • Review: finished most implementation and ask for review from domain expert. Status may go back to "implementation" or "design" if big architecture change is required.
  • Fixed/ Suspend/ Wontfix: this feature is done. Suppose this item will not appear in the next weekly report.
  • Debug: for a item which is essentially a bug.

If you write a technical blog or anything relative to work, it's welcome to share it on weekly report.

Weekly status catalog

2013 Q3 2013 Q4