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Do you want to help make the experience at the summit the best yet? Then you are in the right place!

We've already got teams diligently working away on logistics, creative and content. Here is another opportunity to get involved. Below are four different tracks that will all help to shape the overall experience at the summit. There are many jobs, tasks and ways to help with each of these tracks.

Note: as we continue to build out what these events look like, the track leads will be filling out specific tasks/roles. Stay tuned for more updates via the summit blog. If your name is added below, the track lead will be reaching out to you shortly.

Social Events

Lead: TBD, ping Amie Tyrrel in interim

Tell me more:
The tasks that live in this track are centered around many of the fun social events that will happen at each site. We are working to develop several activities that participants will be able to sign up to attend in advance. The activities will range from morning health & wellness (could it be Yoga? Zumba? Hikes? A hockey game?) to fun activities specific to that region: chocolate making in Brussels, CN tower tour in Toronto, or maybe Great America in Santa Clara.

How can I help:
If you are interested in helping with all things Social, we are currently looking for local site leads for each of our summit sites as well as a group of individuals to help during the summit.

NameSummit LocationComments
Flore AllemandouBrusselsI don't live in Brussels, but I speak french and I love organizing events for mozillians (10 year experience)
Lawrence MandelTorontoI'm looking to put together a shinny hockey game in Toronto
Netha Hussain BrusselsI am a medical student looking forward to set up a blood pressure clinic. I will also be around to teach article writing on Wikipedia.
Dirkjan OchtmanBrusselsWould be happy to take a group to a bikram yoga class.
Aashish Jagini BrusselsWould be great if I can get a chance to talk to people about the social issues and change that needs to be induced into people to overcome them (Would try to give an inspirational message ;))
Erica Sackin Brussels I'm not super familiar with the location, but I would love to do yoga as well.


Lead: Karen Esterly

Tell me more:
Tasks that live in this track are centered around creating micro environments at each of the sites. Some of this includes creating dedicated hack spaces for Mozillians to sit and hack together. We're looking at lounge areas for socializing, playing games and a quiet zones.

How can I help:
If you are interested in helping with all things HackSpaces, we are currently looking for local site leads for each of our sites as well group of individuals to help during the summit.

NameSummit LocationComments
Luke Crouch (groovecoder)Santa ClaraI don't live in CA, but I can help.
Jeff Griffiths (canuckistani)BrusselsComing in from Vancouver, happy to help with hacking activities.


Lead: David Boswell (Science Fair), Pierros Papadeas (World Fair) and Larissa Shapiro (Product Fair)

Tell me more:
Tasks that live in this track will be around sharing with Mozillians. In this track we'll build out our World Faire (a chance to showcase your country/community for other Mozillians), a Science Faire (a chance to demo what/how you do what you do) and it wouldn't be Mozilla if we didn't leave space to flex our creativity. Art show anyone?

How can I help:
If you are interested in helping with all things ShowCase, we are currently looking for local site leads for each of our summit sites as well as a group of individuals to help during the summit.

NameSummit LocationComments
Flore Allemandou Brussels Interested in helping during the summit for world faire and science faire (I'm a scientist)
Misty Orr
Chelsea Novak Toronto Etherpad for Canadian World Fair participation
Bogomil Shopov Toronto
Larissa Shapiro Toronto "Product" faire - booths with upcoming features and product ideas for discussion/demonstration, at all 3 locations I hope
Sebastian Becerra Toronto Interested in showcasing Mozilla Chile
Add your name if interested Add your Summit location Add any notes

Site Hosts

Lead: Marcia Knous
Work in Progress Wiki:

Tell me more:
Tasks in this track involve being an ambassador for the site. A group of friendly faces that will assist in making sure the Summit Experience is a great experience for everyone. We will need 20 people (at least) at each of the sites who are social, like meeting people and really want to be in the mix of all things Summit during the event.

How can I help:
If you are interested in helping with all things Site Host, we are currently looking for local site leads for each of our summit sites as well as a large group of individuals to help during the summit.

NameSummit LocationComments
Joe UserTorontoComments
Lyre CalliopeTorontoBoston based volunteer. Interested in learning more about what all Site Hosting entails.
PotchTorontoHopefully a familiar and friendly face!
Bob SilverbergTorontoI am interested in helping out with site hosting duties.
Geo MealerSanta ClaraHappy to help with whatever's needed.