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Revision as of 17:15, 22 August 2013 by Xelawafs (talk | contribs)
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Home | Best Practices | People | Calendar | Tools & Resources | Communication | Planning | FAQ

Version 1.0

v 1.0 of the toolkit will mostly focus on building capacity to aggregate and organize as much content as possible after which we can focus on steps and procedures of building and maintaining it from lessons learnt on v 1.0

Wiki Infrastructure

Version 1.0 of the toolkit will go up on the Mozilla wiki. The first phase of having a toolkit involves getting content up and organized in a collaborative driven effort which is relatively easy to do on the wiki. Content will be categorized as:

  • Best Practices
  • People
  • Calendar
  • Tools & Resources
  • Communication
  • Planning
  • FAQ

Bugzilla Component

Under the Mozilla Communities product on Bugzilla, we'll be having a Community Building Toolkit to:

  1. Collect feedback from different Mozilla teams around items they would like to see added on the toolkit.
  2. Coordinate collaboration on editing the content of the toolkit by classically using Bugzilla as a platform of peer review to changes and updates


Bring together a small group of mozillians to help manage the toolkit (wiki wizard, bug wrangler, creative) Checkout the Toolkit Team for more info on that

Bi-weekly editing sprint

Being a content gathering phase of the toolkit, a regular occurrence will be wiki sprints. This involves gathering physically or virtually to hack on the kit. Dates will be set in relation to the number of bug requests we receive or backlogs of identified items that need to be put up. All about the sprints.


If you'd like to see any additions or changes made to the toolkit, file a bug here Some templates you could use when filing bugs:

  • Additions
   Category: Best Practices | People | Calendar | Tools & Resources | Communication | Planning | FAQ
   Addition: What would you want to see added
   Description: A summary of the addition that we can put up on the toolkit

Become Part of the Team

Interested in becoming part of the toolkit team? Take a look at how you can contribute: Toolkit Team