Mozillians/API-Specification/List Users/

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Returns user information based on search parameters.


This method required authentication.


Argument Type Required Mozilla App Only Description
app_key string Y N Your app key
app_name string Y N Your app name
is_vouched string
[true false]
N (Required For Community) N Flag to return users that are vouched or not.
username string N Y Return user with matching username.
ircname string N Y Return user with matching ircname.
email string N Y Return user with matching email.
country string N Y Return users with matching country.
region string N Y Return users with matching region.
city string N Y Return users with matching city.
skills string N Y Return users with matching skills. Skills can be comma separated to filter users with any matched skills.
languages string N Y Return users with matching languages. Languages can be comma separated to filter users with any matched languages.
groups string N Y Return users with matching groups. Groups can be comma separated to filter users with any matched groups.
limit integer N Y Limit answer to [number] results.
offset integer N Y Skip [number] results. Defaults to 0.
format string
[json xml]
N N Specifies format of result. Defaults to 'json'.

Arguments country, region, city, is_vouched, email, skills, languages, groups can be combined. The returned results will be logically ANDed.

Return Codes

Code Description
200: OK All OK ;)
401: Unauthorized Wrong app_name or app_key or App not activated

Examples: Community Apps

  • /api/v1/users/?app_name=foobar&app_key=12345&
          "limit": 20,
          "next": null,
          "offset": 0,
          "previous": null,
          "total_count": 1
              "email": "",
              "is_vouched": true
  • /api/v1/users/?app_name=foobar&app_key=12345&
   <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
   <objects type="list">
   <is_vouched type="boolean">True</is_vouched>
   <meta type="hash">
   <next type="null"/>
   <total_count type="integer">1</total_count>
   <previous type="null"/>
   <limit type="integer">20</limit>
   <offset type="integer">0</offset>
  • /api/v1/users/?app_name=foobar&app_key=12345
  • /api/v1/users/1/?app_name=foobar&app_key=12345

Examples: Mozilla Apps

  • /api/v1/users/?app_name=foobar&app_key=12345
          "limit": 20,
          "next": null,
          "offset": 0,
          "previous": null,
          "total_count": 4
              "username": "foobar",
              "ircname": "foobar",
              "bio": "",
              "city": "",
              "country": "",
              "full_name": "Foo Bar",
              "email": "",
              "id": "1",
              "ircname": "",
              "is_vouched": true,
              "last_updated": "2012-10-04T02:31:30",
              "photo": "",
              "region": "",
              "resource_uri": "/api/v1/user/1/",
              "website": ""

Examples: Mozilla Apps: Query By User ID

  • /api/v1/users/1/?app_name=foobar&app_key=12345
      "bio": "",
      "city": "",
      "country": "",
      "full_name": "Foo Bar",
      "email": "",
      "id": "1",
      "ircname": "",
      "is_vouched": true,
      "last_updated": "2012-10-04T02:31:30",
      "photo": "",
      "region": "",
      "resource_uri": "/api/v1/user/1/",
      "website": ""

Examples: Mozilla Apps: More Filters

Mozilla Apps can use more filters on results:

  • Filter by country:
  • Filter by region:
  • Filter by city:
  • Filter by ircname:
  • Filter by username:
  • Filter by languages:
  • Filter by skills:
  • Filter by groups:
  • Filter by name:
  • Filters can be combined, e.g. python and brazil: