Summit2013/Experiences/Site Hosts

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Summit Site Hosts

Definition of Responsibilities

So what does it mean to be a Summit Site Host? Apart from the cool gear you'll be getting, your role will be to support and be the point of contact for a variety of tasks - the role will be similar at each venue but there may be slight differences from site to site:

  • Acting as an information resource for those attending the Summit
  • Helping to facilitate movement to the sessions
  • Aiding with registration and badge deployment
  • Manning the information desk during specified times
  • Helping with venue setup prior to the start of the event
  • Covering defined zones of the Summit in shifts during specified times
  • Possibly helping during social events
  • Possibly helping with swag questions
  • Greeting Mozillians at the Airport

Responsibilities during Supporting Sessions (Friday, Sunday)

  • Sign-up to be the designated Site Host in the sessions you would like to attend here
  • Arrive 15 minutes ahead of time in your rooms to ensure the facilitators have everything they need and the room is organized in the manner they've requested (if not, please reach out to a member of SHW event staff who can help support)
  • Introduce yourself to the session facilitators whose rooms you will be responsible for -> make sure they know you're here to help :)
  • Ensure that facilitators get their audience to sign their names on the session etherpad (if they are interested in learning more!)
  • Flag to the facilitators when they have 5 minutes left in their presentation time
  • Ask for help - SHW event staff will be easily identifiable and are there to support you

Time Commitment

The goal is to not interfere with your ability to participate in the Summit!

  • Site Host duties will be structured to allow participants to participate and fully experience the summit.
  • You are not necessarily signing up to work all 3 days. Some individuals may choose to help one day. But we do need Site Hosts in general throughout the event.
  • The work schedule will begin Thursday, October 3 right up until the Summit concludes on the evening of October 6th.

Pre-Summit Planning

  • Site Host Leads will meet with each team and decide what roles everyone will play during the event

Pre-Summit Preparation - Thursday, October 3

  • Meet at the Venue(s) on Thursday to familiarize yourself with the venue, location of meeting rooms, etc.

At the Summit - Live!

  • Coming Soon!

Site Host Leads

We need two site host leads for each Summit location. What it means to be a Site Host Lead:

  • You will be responsible for helping to coordinate the efforts of the Site Hosts at each location.
  • You will work closely with the Event Company and their staff for supplies, and staff support at the venue
  • You will be the point of contact onsite for any escalations and will coordinate with points of contact for any issues
  • Manage the set Site Host schedule during the Summit and make changes as needed.

Roster of Site Hosts Toronto

Site Host Leads: Luciana Viana and TBD


  • Lisa Gray
  • Arturo Martinez
  • Anthony Hughes
  • Matthew Claypotch
  • Lukas Blakk (Sunday only)
  • Lyre Calliope
  • Bob Silverberg
  • Kohei Yoshino (will be free everyday during the week of the Summit, also flexible in August and September for full-time or part-time help)
  • Santiago Hollmann
  • Gloria Meneses
  • Cori Schauer
  • Kevin Scannell
  • Bhavana Bajaj
  • Dumitru Gherman
  • Tracy Walker
  • Souyma Deb
  • Mike Hoye
  • Armen Zambrano
  • Liz Henry
  • Emma Irwin - Tracks
  • Majda Nafissa Rahal - Tracks
  • Clarissa Sorensen
  • Luis A. Sanchez a.k.a LASR21
  • John Jensen - Tracks
  • Winnie Aoieong
  • Alex Wafula
  • Vuyisile Ndlovu
  • Amira Dhalla
  • Havi Hoffman

Roster of Site Hosts Brussels

Site Host Leads: Ioana Chiorean and Marcia Knous


  • Laura Forrest
  • Erica McClure
  • Delphine Lebedel
  • Henrik Mitsch
  • Dirjan Ochtman
  • Benoit Leseul
  • Reed Loden
  • Francesco Lodolo
  • Erin Lancaster
  • David Clarke
  • Jennifer Hayashi
  • William Reynolds
  • Brian King - Tracks
  • Patrick Finch - Tracks
  • Chad Weinder - Tracks
  • Christopher Arnold - Tracks
  • Irina Parievsky
  • Jessilyn Davis
  • Stephen Donner
  • Dietrich Ayala
  • Pascal Chevrel
  • Mohamed El-Sharnoby (Sharno)
  • Monique Brunel
  • Ibrahima Sarr
  • Dominik Strohmeier
  • Achraf Fouwad
  • Gervase Markham
  • Lizz Noonan
  • Doris Coleman
  • Nicholas Grammater

Roster of Site Hosts Santa Clara

Site Host Leads: William Quiviger and Benjamin Kerensa


  • Parul Mather
  • Geo Mealer
  • Iacopo Benesperi - tracks
  • Gary Kwong
  • Peiying Mo
  • Matt Wobensmith
  • John Hammink
  • Katherine Naszradi
  • Eusebio Barrun
  • Lindsay Kenzig
  • Benjamin Kerensa - tracks
  • Vineel Reddy Pindi
  • Galaxy Kadiyala
  • Rahid Hasan
  • Sujith Reddy
  • Alina Mierlus
  • Kengatharaiyer Sarveswaran (Sarves)
  • Sandraghassen Subbaraya Pillai
  • Saurabh Shah
  • Christos Bacharakis
  • Meraj Imran
  • Shahid Ali Farooqui
  • Rosana Ardila