Webdev/Beer And Tell/September2013

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Come on down and show us what you've been working on lately!



The limit is 5 minutes per speaker. It's like a lightning talk, but don't feel that you have to have slides in order to make a presentation.

Presenter Topic Media (links) More Details Beer
Simon Wex & Robert Richter Introducing Appmaker - Make an app just for you. http://appmaker.mozillalabs.com/ We're in an early prototype phase of building an app authoring environment for the masses. What could it mean if app creation was fun and game-like?
Michael Kelly diecast - Grunt-init template for single-page frontend projects. https://github.com/Osmose/diecast Pepsi One
Brian J Brennan nodeschool.io – soon-to-be community of learning around node.js http://nodeschool.io, http://github.com/nodeschool Node tutorials based on `workshopper`, a framework for making terminal tutorials! We are still building out the site, but we are planning on having accounts (with persona) and badges (with openbadges) Dunno yet
Scott Michaud Software Rendering Engine (GPU-accelerated) (Nothing Yet) DirectX and OpenGL are the APIs which 3D (and many 2D) games are programmed in. Fast, due to hardware acceleration and decades of optimization, but with many big unspoken downsides. Software rendering engines were actually more pleasant... time for an OpenCL revisit? Half of a Coca-Cola
Scott Michaud (pt. 2) Top-Secret Web App (Nothing Yet) Epic top secret web app. See you at Summit 2013 Toronto! ... Other Half