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What are Supporting Sessions?

Link to the general FAQ

Call for Facilitators

We need facilitators for the supporting sessions! Anyone can be a facilitator. Here is the list of sessions currently on the agenda for the Mozilla Summit 2013, with facilitators at each location. More information on expectations of facilitators can be found on the Session Facilitators wiki.

Each proposed session has its own etherpad for discussion and description, if you click through to it. Please add to that pad if you want to suggest specific questions to be addressed within the session.

Also note there will be open sessions on site which can be signed up for when we are at the summit, "Unconference" style. For more information about how to sign-up to host an open session, please see our FAQ.

How to Sign-up?

Please note that the deadline to sign-up has now passed. If you would like to help facilitate a session, please reach out directly to the named session facilitator.

Can I Co-facilitate?

In general, if you want to Co-facilitate a session, it is frequently possible, reach out to the track owner or to the facilitators themselves.

Who are the Track Owners?

[Track Owners] for the Summit Are:

Mike Hoye (irc: mhoye), People and Process Track, office hours: 2-3 PM Eastern (6-7 PM UTC)
[Lawrence Mandel] (irc: lmandel), Purpose and Strategy Track, office hours: Monday and Tuesday 11-12am Eastern Time.
[Larisa Shapiro] (irc: lshapiro), Product and Technology Track (and the Innovation Fair) office hours: M-W-F 9-10am Pacific Time

You can also reach us at:

IRC: #mozsummit
Vidyo (during office hours): Summit Track Owners room

Can't meet during the designated office hours? No problem. Just ping us and we'll set up an alternate time just for you. :)

Don't know who to reach out to? Here is a list of sessions as they align with the Tracks.

Deadline to Sign-up

Please note that the deadline to sign-up has now passed. If you would like to help facilitate a session, please reach out directly to the named session facilitator.

Any Questions?

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out to a Track Owner or read through our FAQ.


Ecosystems in our Image

Friday, 1-2:15, 2:45-4:00 (please note these sessions are run twice, therefore co-facilitation is recommended)

Track: Purpose and Strategy

Put practically and short term: how our values show up in the app ecosystem or social network (where the users are now). And, in the long term, how do our values show up in big data, internet of things and other upcoming ecosystems. What would it look like to build a mobile apps and content ecosystem based literally on the ideas in the Nature of Mozilla? What features and marketing approaches would you include? How would we most effectively balance building, teaching and shaping markets? Where do local communities fit in as part of building this? Can they help build a long tail app ecosystem where we really see local diversity?


Brussels: David Ascher, Bill Maggs
Toronto: Chris Lawrence, Ben Moskowitz
Santa Clara: Alina Mierlus, Erika Owens

Session Etherpad:

The Web We Want

Friday, 1-2:15, 2:45-4:00 (please note these sessions are run twice, therefore co-facilitation is recommended)

Track: Purpose and Strategy

A large, interactive session to explore the web we're championing.What do we mean by "the web"? Is it a technology? A set of values? (also, how is it different from the Internet?) What are the baseline design principles we value most? Privacy? Creativity? User freedom? User Control? Data ownership? Something else? How is the web part of our identity? How do we use our products and our voice to help the broader world--including users--understand the web and become champions with us?


Santa Clara: Asa Dotzler, Tantek Çelik
Brussels: Larissa Co, Ozten, AlisonW
Toronto: Potch, Mike Collins, Dan Sinker

Session Etherpad:


Building a Web Literate World

Friday, 1-2:15, 2:45-4:00 (please note these sessions are run twice, therefore co-facilitation is recommended)

Track: Purpose and Strategy

The Webmaker Community is changing the face of education through collaborative, participatory events, kick ass tools and relevant learning activities for creativity and learning. At the same time, they're building a more Web Literate world by helping people understand that you don't have to be a programmer to understand the technical and social infrastructures of the Web.

In this session, we'll play games and discuss how building a web literate world is integral to everything we do, not just as Mozilla, but as people. We'll discuss how Mozilla is making this not only possible - but easily accessible through open tools, learning activities, invitations to participate in the discussions, guidance and direction and invention, innovation and inspiration. And we'll prototype ways for you to get involved.


  • Toronto: Julia Vallera, Emma Irwin
  • Santa Clara, Sandraghassen Subbaraya Pillai, Ankit Gadgil, Vineel Reddy Pindi, Benny Chandra, Faye Tandog, Christos Bacharakis, Lawrence Kisuuki
  • Brussels: Ibrahima SARR, Laura Hilliger

Session Etherpad:

What does "Mozillian" mean?

Friday, 1-2:15, 2:45-4:00 (please note these sessions are run twice, therefore co-facilitation is recommended)

Track: Purpose and Strategy

A hands-on session to define the identity of Mozillians, historically and as we evolve. Towards building scope and identity as a community. Consider new domains, like news and science. Do partners count? Who do we count? What are we trying to build? Who are we inviting?


Brussels: Gervase Markham, Ioana Chiorean
Toronto: Guillermo Movia, Andrew (feer56)- Will do second session @2:45
Santa Clara: Sujith Reddy (would like co facilitator), Alex Lakatos

Session Etherpad:

Firefox OS in 2014 and Beyond

Friday, 1-2:15, 2:45-4:00 (please note these sessions are run twice, therefore co-facilitation is recommended)

Track: Product and Technology

The strategy and vision for what Firefox OS is trying to accomplish, what markets it's heading for, as well as showcasing the technology and features.


Brussels: Chris Lee, Bill Maggs
Toronto: Peter Dolanjski, Vik Iya
Santa Clara: Sandip Kamat, Christian Heilmann

Session Etherpad:

Privacy, Security, and Data: Pragmatic Innovations for Users and the Web

Friday, 1-2:15, 2:45-4:00 (please note these sessions are run twice, therefore co-facilitation is recommended)

Track: Product and Technology

A discussion on how we combine our desire for excellent products, services and UX with leading privacy and security characteristics that advance trust, sustainability and safety for people.


Brussels: Stacy Martin / Garrett Robinson / Simon Bennetts
Toronto: Alex Fowler / Monica Chew / Yvan Boily
Santa Clara: Alina Hua / Sid Stamm / Joe Stevenson

Session Etherpad:

Building through Brand

Friday, 1:00 - 2:15pm, 2:45 - 4:00pm

Track: Purpose and Strategy


Facilitators (Pete Scanlon to coordinate):

Brussels: Ioana Chiorean, [co-facilitator welcome]
Toronto: Winston Bowden and Michaela Thayer
Santa Clara: Sakina Groth, Alex Lakatos

Session Etherpad:


Practicing Open

Saturday, 1:30-3:30 pm

Track: Purpose and Strategy

When there's a conflict between openness and bushinesses requirements, how should we, as individuals, navigate that? What resources do we have available for guidance and help?


Toronto: Lawrence Kissuki, David Humphrey, Matthew Thompson
Brussels: Ioana Chiorean
Santa Clara: Sakina Groth

Session Etherpad:

Mozilla: Winning the Next Three Years

Saturday, 1:30-3:30pm (yes, this one is longer, co-facilitators encouraged)

Track: Purpose and Strategy

What does Mozilla need to be doing right now, to move the web forward, to do right by our users, and what are the most important factors to consider in planning the next three years?


Brussels: David Ascher
Toronto: Mark Surman, Armen Zambrano
Santa Clara: Brendan Eich

Session Etherpad:

Building a Framework to enable Mozilla to effectively communicate across our community

Saturday, 1:30-3:30pm (yes, this one is longer, co-facilitators encouraged)

Track: People and Process

How does Mozilla hold a discussion on a particular topic that allows expression of positives and negatives in a productive way? This session will build the Mozilla Framework for how to invite feedback, manage the conversation and ensure all parties are acknowledged regardless of their view of the issue.


Brussels:Gervase Markham
Toronto: Lainie Delcoursy,Andrew (feer56), Majken Connor
Santa Clara: [need facilitator]

Session Etherpad:

Defining and Packaging a Mozilla Core experience for onboarding

Saturday, 1:30-3:30pm (yes, this one is longer)

Track: People & Process

How do we create an experience that captures the history of Mozilla, our values, and what makes us unique in a way that we can transfer these items to new Mozillians and even our partners?


Brussels: Rubén Martín [:Nukeador] (one of the Mozilla Hispano mentors that runs the onboarding process for new contributors), Tobias Leingruber
Toronto: Amie Tyrrel, Amira Dhalla, Lainie DeCoursy
Santa Clara: Ankit Gadgil [co-facilitator welcome]

Session Etherpad:

What would a million Mozillians do?

Saturday, 1:30-3:30pm (yes, this is a longer session)

Track: Purpose & Strategy

Working Narrative: A creative, "blue sky" session to imagine new kinds of contributors


Brussels: Brian King (Community Manager for Europe), Henrik Mitsch, Netha Hussain, Michelle Thorne, William Duyck
Toronto: Marc Lesser, Margaret Schroeder
Santa Clara: David Boswell and William Quiviger

Session Etherpad:

Developing empathy for your users

Saturday, 1:30-3:30 (yes, this one is longer)

Track: Product & Technology

A workshop where you learn how to easily make sure that the products you make are as appreciated as you think they should be.


Brussels: Larissa Co , Maureen Hanratty
Toronto: Cori Schauer
Santa Clara: Lindsay Kenzig, Maria Sandberg

Session Etherpad:

Understanding the Servo strategy

Saturday, 1:30 - 3:30pm

Track: Product & Technology

Web browsers were designed around yesterday's reality of computer hardware. Servo is a rethinking of the architecture of browsers to accommodate the hardware of today and tomorrow: multiple CPU's and powerful GPU's, and with limited power consumption. What's more, Servo is being built in Rust, a new programming language designed to support faster and safer development practices.


Brussels: Josh Matthews
Toronto: Jack Moffitt
Santa Clara: Patrick Walton

Session Etherpad:

Growing Stakeholders in the Web

Saturday, 1:30 - 3:30pm

Track: Product & Technology

The success of the internet depends on commercial activity as well as individual self-expression. To make that work means that we need to understand the perspectives of different stakeholders, from phone manufacturers, to phone companies, to media companies, to consumers.


Brussels: Kat Braybrooke, Patrick Finch can co-facilitate
Toronto: Marc Lesser
Santa Clara: Geoffrey MacDougall, Need Co-Facilitator: Irina Sandu?

Session Etherpad:

Who are our users in 2018 and where are they?

Saturday, 4:00 - 6:00pm

Track: Product & Technology

Alternate title: What's not going to change in 2018? What motivations our users will still hold in 10-15 years?

The world is changing, and we need to build products that work for the next billion users. Who are they, and what are they like?


Brussels: Yuan Wang, Mary Trombley
Toronto: Cori Schauer
Santa Clara: Jinghua Zhang

Session Etherpad:

Designing for our users not ourselves

Saturday, 4:00 - 6:00pm (yes, this one is longer)

Track: Product & Technology

Introduction to our users - who they are, what they do, what they need, and how Mozilla can do this.


Cori Schauer will be main facilitator for this, and will coordinate the other facilitators.
Brussels: Gemma & Madhava Zhenshuo & Dominik?
Toronto: Cori & Bryan Clark (possibly Gregg Lind)
Santa Clara: Bill Selman

Session Etherpad:

How people see our markets and how we compete effectively in them

Saturday, 4:00 - 6:00pm

Track: Product & Technology

Powerful interests are creating silos of content and private walled gardens on the web. What can Mozilla do to open these silos up or create new more open alternatives? How do we need to understand how these competitors work for markets and consumers?


Brussels: Patrick Finch [co-facilitator welcome]
Toronto: Kev Needham, John Jensen
Santa Clara: Irina Sandu, Sandip Kamat

Session Etherpad:

Understanding web developers

Saturday, 4:00 - 6:00pm

Track: Product & Technology

Web developers are a key community for Mozilla. Our competitors are building sophisticated developer tools, API's, and platform technologies. How can we maintain a close and symbiotic relationship with web developers? How do we meet their needs, and how do we get them signed up for Mozilla's mission?


Brussels: Jeff Griffiths
Toronto: Stormy Peters
Santa Clara: Christian Heilmann

Session Etherpad:

The Petri Dish required by scaling innovation

Saturday, 4-6pm

Track: Product and Technology

If we're to have the kind of massive impact on the internet that we hope to, we have to ask ourselves whether our structure and processes will get us there. If we want to facilitate innovation at the edges and focus on recognizing good ideas rather than having them, how should we relate to web innovators around the world?


Brussels: David Ascher
Toronto: Simon Wex
Santa Clara: Robert Richter

Session Etherpad:

WebMaker: Getting People to Take Back The Web

Saturday, 4-6 pm

Track: Product and Technology

Webmaker is the brand that we're using to tell a new generation of web citizens that the web is theirs to grab, shape and remix. We'll show you what that looks like, and get you activated to help in that effort!


Brussels: Kat Braybrooke, Henrik Mitsch, Michelle Thorne
Toronto: Chris Lawrence, Amira Dhalla, Lyre Calliope, Matt Thompson
Santa Clara: Brett Gaylor, Ankit Gadgil, Jacob Caggiano, Yoe One Ariestya Niovitta

Session Etherpad:


Distributed Leadership and decision making

Sunday, 1:15-2:30 pm

Track: Purpose and Strategy

A well-facilitated inquiry and skillshare on distributed leadership. Skills Learned: Leadership, Conflict Resolution, Facilitating distributed meetings/planning/group actions. Potential Outline of Session:

  1. Nature of Mozilla -- one pillar is human capability; more mozillians moving the mission forward
  2. history of the huge chunks of mozilla that people made up on on their own and we incorporated into the centralized piece
  3. Some issues with distributed decision-mkaing: risk, mistakes, surprise, messiness
  4. What do we do now: how we build more APIs to the centralized part of mozilla?


Brussels: Laura Thomson, Ioana Chiorean
Toronto: Regnard Raquedan, Lukas Blakk
Santa Clara: Alina Mierlus, Vineel Reddy Pindi

Session Etherpad:

Ideas into Action: Next steps for me and my team

Sunday, 1:15-2:30

Track: Purpose and Strategy

Four breakout sessions with a joint shareback round. Determine what winning looks like as measured by Mozilla's four pillars of activity. Tools, roadmap and things you can do when you return home. How you can adapt the 3-year plan to your local context and the projects you care about. How you can multiply the mission. Skills Learned: Metrics, Building Open into your Project, How to Identify the NoM in your ideas & highlight/promote/grow those


Brussels: Karen Rudnitski
Toronto: Larissa Shapiro, Selena Deckelmann
Santa Clara: Ernest Chiang

Session Etherpad:

Designing your project for participation

Sunday, 1:15-2:30 pm

Track: People and Process

Nearly all projects will benefit from community involvement; however, there are different approaches and best practices that can better enable a project for wider contributions. This session will capture best practices and challenges to build a project with community involvement.


Brussels: Laura Hilliger (working with Mozilla Reps to help them deliver #teachtheweb professional development content)
Toronto: David Eaves (creator of the community building workshops that includes a 'Designing your project for participation' module) or Emma Irwin (One of the Mozilla Reps who will be delivering the community building workshop content), Jess Klein
Santa Clara: Benjamin Kerensa (One of the Mozilla Reps who will be delivering the community building workshop content) and Soumya Deb (Leader in Mozilla India)

Session Etherpad:

Community tools - what do we currently have

Sunday, 1:15-2:30 pm

Track: People and Process

The topic of tooling seems to be a frequent one. Let's discuss the needs of the various members of the community and determine if there are shared tools in which we as a community should invest.


Brussels: Josh Matthews, William Reynolds (members of the Community Building Systems Working Group)
Toronto: Michael Hoye, Ricky Rosario (members of the Community Building Systems Working Group)
Santa Clara: Pierros Papadeas (members of the Community Building Systems Working Group)

Session Etherpad:

Working with corporate (closed) partners

Sunday, 1:15-2:30 pm

Track: People and Process

How to stay open at Mozilla while meeting our needs: Creating a shared understanding of how Mozilla can work in a closed environment and a roadmap for introducing open concepts to our partners.


  • Toronto: Lawrence Mandel, Lukas Blakk, Bhavana Bajaj
  • Brussels: Dietrich Ayala, Mark Côté, Chris Lee
  • Santa Clara: Chris Peterson, Alex Keybl

Session Etherpad:

Workshop on Contributor recognition guide

Sunday, 1:15-2:30 pm

Track: People and Process

Workshop to share tips and tricks for how recognize contributors to your project that would cover badges, swag, events and more. Also hack on the draft Recognition Guide at


Brussels: Michelle Marovich (Lead Recruiter) and Lizz Noonan (Brand Campaign Coordinator/Creative Contribute Community Co-manager)
Toronto: Jeff Beatty (Community Building for l10n)
Santa Clara: Rosana Ardila (Community Builder for SUMO)

Session Etherpad:

Moderated discussion on how we will think about product opportunities in the cloud

Sunday, 1:15-2:30 pm

Track: Product and Technology

Mozilla has a proud history of championing user control of data, but there are both huge user benefits and competitive pressures to having some cloud-enabled data and services. How should Mozilla approach this problem in a way that pushes the mission forward while being pragmatic to the needs of the market?


Brussels: Lloyd Hilaiel
Toronto: John Jensen
Santa Clara: Toby Elliott

Session Etherpad:

The future of web gaming

Sunday, 1:15-2:30 pm

Track: Product and Technology

The web is poised to become a platform for games, which opens up opportunities for new markets and independent developers. With WebGL, asm.js, and key web API's like Pointer Lock, Audio, and Video, Mozilla is making the future of web gaming a reality. Find out where we are and join us thinking about where to go from here.


Brussels: Vlad Vukicevic
Toronto: Martin Best
Santa Clara: Marco Mucci

Session Etherpad:

Open Badges: How to Encourage Engagement

Sunday, 1:15-2:30 pm

Track: Product and Technology

Working Narrative: With OpenBadges, Mozilla has a combination of technology and market-shaping partners which could shift how people engage, get recognized for their skills and contributions, and unlock new opportunities. Learn about OpenBadges and what it's shooting for.


Brussels: Tim Riches, Emily Goligoski
Toronto: Meg Cole, Kerrie Lemoie, Damian Ewens
Santa Clara: Sunny Lee, Carla Casilli

Session Etherpad: