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Note: This is a first draft and a brain dump for me after #MozSummit13 --Elchi3 (talk) 18:51, 7 October 2013 (PDT)

Project statement

Make MDN to act as

1) an issuer of badges (both, automatically and manually),
2) a displayer of badges (in the user profile) and
3) add badges to the user's backpack (using Issuer API).

Badge ideas

Badges ideally have an awesome design and/or a funny name, don't be boring here :)

The Badge Design Canvas from digitalME could be a handy thinking tool for defining the particulars for each of these badges.

Automatic badges

Based on amount (1/25/100/250/...):

  • [number] edits made
  • [number] new articles added
  • [number] new translations added
  • [number] technical/editoral review flags cleared
  • "<h1>", "<h2>", "<h3>": Has made 100/50/10 edits in open web documentation.
  • ...

Manual badges

  • Article of the month
  • DevDerby winner
  • "Sherlock" badge: Has found a problem on Kuma and reported it in Bugzilla
  • DocSprint attendee
  • Set up and ran Kuma (already on
  • Helped to set up Kuma for a new contributor
  • "!important" badge (no idea for this yet, but I like the name. Maybe some kind of an important contribution)
  • Has written a hacks blog post
  • Has written a complete tutorial on MDN (we want more of those!)
  • Has written a tool (like the box shadow generator page)
  • "House keeper": Has cleaned up hundreds of pages (like ethertank)
  • ...

Collection badges

  • 3 DocSprints attended in a row
  • 3 DevDerby wins
  • ...

Inspiration: SUMO's implementation

SUMO is using django-badger with some custom views. lorchard has previously done something similar for MDN in an experimental branch of kuma that we could revive.


Additional thoughts / requirements

  • This got shared with the open badges folks, but I want to mention this here, too: To add some (more) value to a badge, it would be nice if you are able to see "awarded to xy contributors". So that you can be (even more) proud of a badge, which is only awarded to a small amount of people.
  • Hope to have this rather sooner than later, but this could be a Google Summer of Code project probably, if we won't have it earlier.

Development resources

Next Steps

  • Feedback / more ideas
  • Reuse parts of SUMO's implementation?
  • Have an actual tracking bug with sub tasks
  • ...