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Our Mission

Who we are

Mozilla Community IT Ops is a community of talented, volunteer Systems Administrators who devote their time and effort into supporting and managing community-based system infrastructure that support the Mozilla Project, while also learning and upgrading their skill sets in the progress.

What we are

We are a showcase for how to run the best of the best IT/Operations. We are open & transparent. We are a force multiplier, empowering the Community to promote Mozilla's Mission & Manifesto.

How we do it

Teaching and education are core to our mission and values. We mentor and teach today's skills and help put those skills to practical use by hosting and running production sites and services. We use OpenBadges to acknowledge skills and accomplishments.

Getting Involved

We need your help!


Community IT Ops operates under a module ownership governance system. A module is a discrete unit of code or activity. An owner is the person in charge of a module or sub-module. A peer is a person whom the owner has appointed to help them. A module may have multiple peers and, very occasionally, multiple owners.

Weekly Call

Meeting Agenda & Notes