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Module Owners

What is a module owner?

In order to speed up development on Bugzilla, distinct modules are created and each module has an owner based on his expertise in this specific field. Outside freezing periods (i.e. outside periods preceding a release) and on the trunk only, module owners do not require reviews to land their own patches in their specific module, unless they desire the extra set of eyes before the patch lands (module owners are trusted to know when this is needed).

Module owners are also able to name peers for their module, who are individuals that the module owner trusts enough to have the same privileges, excepting that final decision-making for the module rests with the owner. Module owner decisions may be appealed to the project leader if you can't reach an agreement.

On release branches as well as during freezing periods, reviews are mandatory in all cases.

Components and owners

Here is the list of modules for Bugzilla, sorted alphabetically, and the name of their owners and peers.

Module Description Owner Peers
Administration Pages related to the administration of a Bugzilla installation, features oriented. --
Attachments, Flags and Requests Flag system, attachment creation and management LpSolit
Authentication Authentication API, communication and interactions between Bugzilla installations mkanat
Bug creation and modification Creating, changing, and viewing bugs --
Charting system Old and new chart systems --
Databases Interface with databases, database support mkanat
Documentation Bugzilla documentation Colin
Email notifications Emails sent during bug changes, including flags --
Exporting and Importing Importing and exporting data with another Bugzilla installation, including bugs and user profiles ghendricks
Installation and Upgrading Installing a fresh copy of Bugzilla, or upgrading from an older installation mkanat
Search system and Queries Mostly include Search.pm code and the way data are passed to it and returned justdave
Security Security related stuff webtools-security group
User Interface Design of Bugzilla pages, as well as workflow (purposely left blank pending persona discussion)
