Breakpad/Status Meetings/2013-October-23

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Meeting Info

Breakpad status meetings occur on Wed at 11:00am Pacific Time.

Conference numbers:

   Vidyo: Stability 
   650-903-0800 x92 conf 98200#
   800-707-2533 (pin 369) conf 98200# 

IRC backchannel: #breakpad Mountain View: Dancing Baby (3rd floor)

Socorro Release Tracker
Socorro Bug Tracker


Full Query
ID Summary Assigned to Target milestone Priority Status Resolution Whiteboard
567826 Socorro /status needs a new source of data when RabbitMQ is adopted Selena Deckelmann :selenamarie :selena 64 -- VERIFIED FIXED [qa+]
636868 Socorro - change processor to use the jsonMDSW K Lars Lohn [:lars] [:klohn] 64 -- RESOLVED FIXED
901177 merge JSON minidump_stackwalk into socorro repo Robert Helmer [:rhelmer] 64 -- RESOLVED FIXED
926507 enhancements to hybrid pDump/jDump in the processor K Lars Lohn [:lars] [:klohn] 64 -- RESOLVED FIXED
928145 re-land JSON stackwalker changes Robert Helmer [:rhelmer] 64 -- RESOLVED FIXED

5 Total; 0 Open (0%); 4 Resolved (80%); 1 Verified (20%);

PR Triage

Other issues

Ops Updates

  • Reduced availability over next few weeks as webops has to do a lot of preparation work for the 11/16 SCL3 outage

Actively working on

  • Shipping new processor with jsonMSDW
  • Various misc bugs
  • migrate to django web servers, will file bugs today
  • Updating documentation

ElasticSearch Prod Cluster capacity -

Socorro Chief -

  • stage is working but all the commander script does is call shell scripts
  • working on some cleanup bits in the shell script -
  • Then, working on a couple PRs to get the scripts chief is using into the repo
  • Then, the commander script needs to be added to the repo and its functionality moved up into python
  • no change since last week

PHP Decommission -

  • underway


  • solarce at on 10/28-10/31, will be afk at conf 29, 30 and afk travel day 10/31
  • lonnen at mozfest, in NY the week after
