WebAudio API Rollout Status

From MozillaWiki
Revision as of 23:34, 30 October 2013 by Karlt (talk | contribs) (MediaStreamAudioSourceNode, PeriodicWave, and OscillatorNode were shipped in Firefox 25)
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WebAudio API is a emerging audio solution for intensive web applications such as games and rich media content. This page tracks the current progress to develop all the nodes used by the standard. It also provides insight into which versions of Firefox currently include WebAudio and whether or not the API is on as the default preference.

API Preference Status

Version Channel Default Status
Firefox 26 Nightly
Firefox 25 Aurora
Firefox 24 Beta
Firefox 23 Release
Prior Versions Release NA
  • NA - The API is not included in this version.
  • Off - API is included in full or in part but off by default preference
  • On - API is included in full or in part but is on by default preference

Implementation Status

Bug API Name Expected to Land Owner
bug 865261 AudioContext Mostly complete, except for the creator functions for the node types that we have not yet implemented
bug 873553 OfflineAudioContext Complete - Firefox 24 ehsan
bug 865233 AudioNode Complete - Firefox 23 ehsan
bug 865244 AudioDestinationNode Complete - Firefox 24 ehsan
bug 865231 AudioParam Complete - Firefox 23 ehsan
bug 807526 GainNode Complete - Firefox 23 ehsan
bug 807533 DelayNode Complete - Firefox 23 ehsan
bug 793294 AudioBuffer Complete - Firefox 23 ehsan
bug 871201 AudioBufferSourceNode Complete - Firefox 24 ehsan
bug 855568 MediaElementAudioSourceNode Complete - Firefox 26 roc
bug 834513 ScriptProcessorNode Complete - Firefox 23 ehsan
bug 834513 AudioProcessingEvent Complete - Firefox 23 ehsan
bug 865239 PannerNode Complete - Firefox 26 karlt
bug 808841 AudioListener Complete - Firefox 23 ehsan
bug 815643 ConvolverNode Complete - Firefox 24 ehsan
bug 855990 AnalyserNode Complete - Firefox 23 ehsan
bug 865247 ChannelSplitterNode Complete - Firefox 23 ehsan
bug 865248 ChannelMergerNode Complete - Firefox 23 ehsan
bug 864091 DynamicsCompressorNode Complete - Firefox 23 ehsan
bug 865246 BiquadFilterNode Complete - Firefox 23 ehsan
bug 875277 WaveShaperNode Complete - Firefox 26 ehsan
bug 865253 OscillatorNode Complete - Firefox 25 rillian
bug 865256 PeriodicWave Complete - Firefox 25 rillian
bug 856361 MediaStreamAudioSourceNode Complete - Firefox 25 roc
bug 865257 MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode Complete - Firefox 24 jdm