Firefox OS/ProgramManagement

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  • Candice Serran
  • Michael Treese
  • Kevin Hu
  • Joe Cheng
  • Ivan Tsay
  • Wesley Huang
  • Dietrich Ayala


TODO: fill in details below

  • Description of functional teams goes here
  • Description Bugzilla process goes here
  • Communication
    • List the mailing lists
    • List the weekly reports and sprint reports, etc

Functional Teams

Function team details: FirefoxOS/functionalteams

  • Productivity
  • Media
  • Performance
  • Browser
  • Comms (Dialer, SMS, Contacts)
  • Systems (Notification, Apps Install, Customizations)
  • System Platform (Keyboard, Settings, Lockscreen)
  • Media Recording (Audio/Video Encoding)
  • WebRTC (Audio/Video P2P connections, Get User media (gUM))
  • RIL, BT, GPS
  • Settings Cost Control
  • GFX, Layout, Audio
  • Devices

Bugzilla Flags

The team will be using the following tags for tracking user stories, associated tasks and priorities for all the functional teams.

  • [UCID:xxx, FT:xxx, KOI:Px, Sprint:xxx]
    • Grammar
      • key and value, separated by a colon (no spaces)
      • key/value pairs separated by a space and comma
      • whole block contained within square brackets
      • case insensitive (eg, UCID and ucid are both valid)
    • Examples:
      • [ucid:System26, ft:systems-fe, koi:P2]
      • [UCID:Comms27, FT:comms, KOI:P1, Sprint:2]
    • All user stories have the [UCID:xxx] which maps back to user stories from Product.
    • If the bug is not a user story and simply a task, it will NOT have a [UCID:xxx] tag.
    • KOI:P1 is for feature that are must have for the release.
    • KOI:P2 are targeted features.
    • Sprint:X is the sprint in which this user story, task or bug will be completed.
  • Key Milestone: First sprint start