
From MozillaWiki
Revision as of 19:44, 3 November 2013 by Satdav (talk | contribs) (fixed the picture)
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David Weir
David Weir
Mozillian: satdav
Reps: {{{Reps-id}}}
Personal Information
City: Glasgow
Country: Scotland (EMEA)
Lead Differnet Roles
Mozilla Mail:
Other Information
Personal Mail:
GPG-Key: [1]
Website: David's Website
Facebook: [2]
Twitter: weirdavid1 satdav
LinkedIn: satdav
GitHub: satdav
Skype: [skype:/satdav satdav]
IRC: satdav on
#it #mozillians #sumo #qa #planning

<ul><li>Property "Facebook" (as page type) with input value "{{{facebook}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li> <!--br--><li>Using "" as property chain is not permitted during the annotation process.</li></ul>


I'm in the UK but generally try not to "do" mornings; instead you're more likely to find me around during my evening and into the night (I'm a Glasgow Rocks fan so I'm usually watching games on summer nights).

Urgent Contact

If you need to attract my attention urgently then pinging me on Twitter (see box) is the fastest way if I'm not in IRC. It is open nearly 24/7 (and pings my phone when I'm not)

Has your page or file been deleted?

In June 2013 I took on the task of removing the spam and spammers from MozillaWiki, alongside making other improvements and telling everyone how useful wikis are for retaining and spreading knowledge in a world-wide organisation like Mozilla. One of the things about removing spam - and I've already deleted a whole lot of it but the task isn't over yet - is when deleting hundreds of bad pages at a time you occasionally, accidentally, include a page which shouldn't have been. But don't worry too much as nothing is ever actually 'deleted' on a wiki; we've a great big 'recycle bin' here which lets us recover any page (or past edit) on request. If you think that something was deleted in error - which is to say that it was (a) related to Mozilla and its projects, and (b) did not include links to advertising or malware websites, then use my talk page to request its reappearance. Depends on how busy I am, but it will be back asap.

Once upon a time


Once upon a time I wrote: "This wiki should be the 'goto' place for Mozilla, yet instead it seems to be full of linkspam, much of it diet-related. It really needs a clean-up and a few standards reinforced to make it useful again. This especially matters as with B2G / Firefox OS an increasing number of people may be searching for information and end up here. We should be a resource for the Mozilla community, not a dumping ground for spam which goes undeleted."

and then I found myself doing the task ;-0

My maintenance links

Bug hunting

Assigned to me

Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
721518 [Accessibility - Tracking Bug] Recommendations to Improve Mozilla Websites -- ASSIGNED
799275 Tracking bug (change all en-us profile to en -- RESOLVED
831066 Update copyright year in footer to include 2013 -- VERIFIED
832766 README.RST updated -- RESOLVED
832769 Password File Updated -- RESOLVED
836982 Add 2013 to the license file -- RESOLVED
1140173 Community_Calendar pointing to obsolete link -- VERIFIED
1147404 Improve Planet -- RESOLVED
1188470 Download button for En-Gb Site -- VERIFIED
1190535 Enable the en-gb Locale -- VERIFIED
1191720 Add Telegram to the IM List -- VERIFIED

11 Total; 1 Open (9.09%); 5 Resolved (45.45%); 5 Verified (45.45%);