Bugzilla:FAQ:Bugzilla Troubleshooting

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My parameters don't update when using editparams.cgi, what am I doing wrong?

Bugzilla's parameters are being stored in the data/params file. So in order to update parameters, the user that your web server runs Bugzilla's scripts as needs permission to

  • create, alter and delete files in Bugzilla's data/ directory
  • alter and delete the params file in Bugzilla's data/ directory

Known quirks and things to think about:

  • On Linux, check your SELinux settings, which may override common file permission settings.
  • It may be that your web server runs Bugzilla's script as a different user than you might think:
    • Using Apache, it may be that you have some SuexecUserGroup setting in effect. Check Apache's documentation on mod_suexec.
    • Using IIS, there appears to be some similar mechanics, too.