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Thunderbird Meeting Details


Action Items


  • nth10sd: Thunderbird metrics - no update
  • wsmWK: wiki pages on bug triage
  • everyone: if you're interested in being a Google Summer of Code mentor, please add your name to the wiki page


  • various: Tb scheduled
  • dmose: coordinate with mscott and bienvenu (met with bienvenu; coordination ongoing)
  • dmose: request bugzilla flags for 3.0a1 - (completed) bug 421894
  • nth10sd (Gary): move draft wiki content from Tb: namespace to Thunderbird - (completed)
  • davida/dmose: Announce Thunderbird meeting to seamonkey and calendar newsgroups as well


  • Driving


  • What people are working on -- it would be great if each person could briefly talk about what they're working on so that we as a group have a better feel for that
    • jminta - STEEL 0.1 work (testing xpi posted to bug 408370), kill-rdf work (address-book display, bug 422845)
    • beckley - Penelope project: Migration of Classic Eudora features, with an emphasis on importing, filters, and unique message handling functionality.
      • Penelope = Qualcomm engineers creating new Eudora version based on TB
      • Open invite to people who want to help with moving Eudora features to TB
    • jcranmer - Address book rewrite, kill-mork, news cleanup, fakeserver for testing
      • Also poking at Pork/elsa to do a libmime rewrite
    • dmose - driving 3.0a1, reviews
      • Focus is on unblocking people
    • clarkbw - tabbed interface (expect ng post here soon), extensions wiki docs
    • nth10sd - expand on bug triage documents
    • wsmWK - working with Gary on bug queries
      • People should add ideas for query improvements to the wiki
    • Emre
      • FUEL/STEEL factoring bug
      • IMAP crashers
      • waiting for security review of some functions in mime (? i didn't hear this)
    • Standard8
      • Reviews in junk, abook refactor
      • wiki updates for abook redesign (Zimbra xpi input helped here)
        • ng post coming asking for more feedback
      • Testing: feedback from md.quality on running mochitests in TB
      • SoC, has had some interest in Google contacts API, and Vista integration
    • Kent James
      • Junkmail patches (magic number changes blocking)
      • changing junkmail iface for 3.0a1, adding ability to filter on junk score
  • Open table
    • Robert from seamonkey
      • Feed reader progress? - Callek should talk to myk and davida, bring this back up next week
    • Kent - what's the review story?
      • dmose is doing superreviews, philor, mkmelin, and Standard8 are doing reviews
      • dmose: we should start tracking review time. We can improve here
      • The module owners page reflects reality, but a reality we can improve
    • dmose: 3.0a1 theory: There are big questions we as a community want to talk about, but this is parallelizable, and we should get into a mode of releasing again to allow people to test te good work we're still doing. Bigger discussions can then move forward more effectively
