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This page is being used as a planning document for updating the site.

Site Vision

The role of the site going forward should be to act as a community portal and to be a place to host official content. Any page currently on the site that doesn't fit this vision should either be archived, migrated or updated.

For background on this issue, see the following:

Reorganize Structure

To make the site fit the new vision, the organization of the content will need to be changed. Here is a proposed new structure:

Top-Level Navigation

  • Projects
    • Featured Projects
    • Mozilla-Based Applications
    • Any active project that hasn't moved to the wiki, MDC or their own site
  • Developers
    • A small section that is mainly pointers to relevant pages on MDC and tools (Bugzilla, LXR, etc).
  • Contribute
    • Links to Donate page and other ways to get involved
  • Foundation
    • About the Foundation
    • Activities
    • Careers
    • Donate
    • Licensing & Trademarks
    • Public Documents
    • Statement of Direction
    • Contact Us
  • About
    • Announcements
    • Fast Facts
    • History
    • How Free Is Mozilla?
    • Mozilla Manifesto
    • Roles and Leadership
    • Timeline

Footer Links

1st row:

  • Community Blogs (or a Community Links section that shows a page of links instead of just pointing directly to Planet)
  • Support Options
  • Security Updates
  • Privacy Policy
  • Contact Us

2nd row:

  • International Affiliates: Mozilla Europe - Mozilla Japan - Mozilla China

Home Page Content

The home page can be used to call out some items that we want to highlight but that don't belong in the top nav or footer.

  • Install Firefox call-out
  • Store call-out
  • Support information
  • News
  • List of main and featured projects
  • Other???


The initial plan for archiving involved identifying pages on the site that are obsolete and should be removed. This is impractical since there are tens of thousands of pages and it would take a huge effort to go through them all. The current thinking is to archive everything on the current site and then recreate the site from scratch and add back the pages we want to be there.

For background on this issue, see the following:


Owner: Sheppy

Action Items: Move developer content to and identify other content that may belong on other community sites.

  • Suggestion: Maybe we should set up a sandbox-like area on MDC to copy developer-related articles from to; from there, they can make their way to the main MDC site as they're vetted and updated as appropriate, while remaining available with some sort of "This article may be obsolete" banner across the top of the page.

Having heard no objections to that plan, I think that's what we should do. I'll look at organization for this next week.


Owner: Simon Paquet

The various projects hosted on should be handled differently than the other content on the site. It is fine if people would like to keep hosting their projects on the site, but we should go through and update links to projects that have migrated to the wiki, MDC or another site. For abandoned projects we should identify those and make links to them available somewhere.

Action Items:

  • Reorganize the Projects page
    • by removing projects, which are clearly inactive or outdated
    • Determine the activity/validity status of other projects, whose project pages were not updated within the last 18 months
    • Remove/archive all content of inactive/outdated projects
    • create a valid definition of what constitutes a project and what does not. Remove all items, which do not fall under that category.
    • Proposal posted to
    • Tracking Bug - Bug 393447

Selecting Owners

Action Items: A module owner for the site needs to be identified that will make sure the site is following the identity established in this plan.

This is a pretty critical task. Until there's an owner, there's going to be a lot of indecision on the parts of people who are trying to work on this stuff about whether or not they're doing the right thing. --Sheppy 14:13, 13 September 2007 (PDT)

Planning Meetings

Meetings are being held about once a month to coordinate ongoing work related to the site. Notes from previous meetings are below:

Action Items

The following are open action items from previous meeting:

  • Make comprehensive list of all projects / contact project owners (bug 393447)
  • Start determining new homepage content
  • Update proposed History page to bring in more current pages and update About content in general (bug 231131 and bug 414439)
  • Update the footer links (bug 416198)
  • Update the Privacy Policy page (bug 416174)
  • Replace the Products section with Projects (bug 325485)