ReleaseEngineering/Slave Naming

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At Release Engineering we do builds and tests of Firefox, Firefox for Android, Firefox OS and Thunderbird. We also do some other tier-2 type of jobs on the same hardware used to ship the mentioned products. For builds, we build both on real hardware and VMs (in-house & AWS). For unit and performance tests (aka talos), we build both on real desktop machines, VMs (EC2) and mobile development boards (tegras & pandas). As we move everything to scl3, we can see the purpose of the machine indicated on the full hostname (try build machines VS release build machines VS test machines VS "Windows" vlan).


  • We only use "try" for ec2 instances since renaming is harder with in-house hosts
  • Moving machines from the try vlan to the build vlan will requires hostname changes (after the first 'dot')

Proposed naming

Desktop hostname convention


1) P = purpose

  • "b-" - for build purposes
  • "t-" - for test machines

2) O = OS + instruction size (optional)

  • xp32/w732/w864/2008/2012
    • we currently use "w64" for "w2008"
  • linux32/linux64
    • for linux we camouflage the distro
  • snow/lion/mtnlion/mavericks

3) T = Type of hardware
For VMs:

  • "ec2" for Amazon
  • "vm" if run in-house
    • "vmw" for in-house vmware

For real hardware:

  • "hp" for hp machines
  • "ix" for ix machines
  • "r#" - # depends on the revision of Mac mini that we use

4) XXXX = number
Fixed digits allow lexical sorting, but limit to 9999 slaves per type. This is at variance with numbering throughout the rest of Mozilla, where zero-padding is not used.


Build machine examples:

  • b-linux64-hp-XXXX
  • b-linux64-ec2-XXXX
  • b-linux64-vm-XXXX
    • we still use *some* in-house Linux build VMs for esr17
  • b-2012-ec2-XXXX (15 chars)
    • this platform is forward thinking if we build on AWS for Windows
  • b-2008-ix-XXXX (14 chars)
    • currently named w64-ix-slaveXXX - to be renamed on scl3
  • b-lion-r#-XXXX

Test machine examples:

  • t-linux32-ec2-XXXX
  • t-linux64-ec2-XXXX
  • t-linux32-ix-XXXX
  • t-linux64-ix-XXXX
  • t-snow-r4-XXXX
  • t-mountainlion-r5-XXXX
  • t-xp32-ix-XXXX
  • t-w732-ix-XXXX
  • t-w864-ix-XXXX

Mobile hostname convention


T = type (e.g. panda or tegra) Examples:

  • panda-XXXX
  • tegra-XXXX

Other infra

buildbot-masterXX - for buildbot masters foopyXXX - for foopy machines

Current naming differences

NOTE: Differences are bolded to make it easier to read As of January, 2014 (note that machines have moved to four digits)

Proposed Current
  • bld-centos6-hp-XXX
  • bld-linux64-ix-XXX
b-linux64-ec2-XXXX bld-linux64-ec2-XXX
b-linux64-vmw-XXXX bld-centos5-32-vmw-XXX (not supported)
b-2008-ix-XXXX w64-ix-slaveXXX
b-lion-r#-XXXX bld-lion-r#-XXX
t-linux32-ec2-XXXX tst-linux32-ec2-XXX
t-linux64-ec2-XXXX tst-linux64-ec2-XXX
t-linux32-ix-XXXX talos-linux32-ix-XXX
t-linux64-ix-XXXX talos-linux64-ix-XXX
t-snow-r4-XXXX talos-r4-snow-XXX
t-mtnlion-r5-XXXX talos-mtnlion-r5-XXX
t-xp32-ix-XXXX t-xp32-ix-XXX
t-w732-ix-XXXX t-w732-ix-XXX
t-w864-ix-XXXX t-w864-ix-XXX