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This is the main public page for all things related to, aka b.m.o, Mozilla's customized version of Bugzilla. Here you can find information such as who is actively maintaining and contributing to b.m.o and what tasks are currently being worked on. Other information such as recent meeting minutes, and current release schedules can also be found here.


  • dkl: Dave Lawrence (Owner/Engineer)
  • glob: Byron Jones (Owner/Engineer)
  • mcote: Mark Côté (Overseer/Dark Lord)
  • justdave: Dave Miller (Admin)
  • gerv: Gervase Markham (Grease Gun)
  • reed: Reed Loden (Engineer/Admin [Volunteer])
  • lizzard: Liz Henry (Bugmaster)

Bugzilla Tips and Other Useful Documentation

Information About BMO

Policies and Procedures

  • will receive normal code updates every Thursday at no specific time if changes need to be pushed out.
  • Security fixes or other fatal type errors will always go out as soon as possible.

Administrative Procedures

Meeting Information

Every Tuesday 8:30 AM PT, Vidyo Room of Byron Jones (479), Dial-in extension 90479.

Current Projects

This table lists the bugs representing the current quarterly goals. Those that were set at the beginning of the quarter are tagged with the keyword "bmo-goal". The BMO team also regularly gets requests for high-priority work items throughout the quarter; those that will take more than a day or two in total, thus potentially jeopardizing other goals, are included below, tagged with "bmo-big". The daily smaller tasks are also generally tracked in Bugzilla but not represented in the table below.

We only actively use two priority levels, P1 for critical projects and P2 for important but deferrable items.

Full Query
ID Priority Summary Status Resolution Keywords
489028 P3 Record last-visited time of bugs when logged in RESOLVED FIXED bmo-big
880669 P1 Extend current BzAPI BMO extension to contain compatibility changes on top of native rest RESOLVED FIXED bmo-goal
922482 P2 Change all bugs with general@js.bugs assignee to RESOLVED FIXED bmo-big
929685 P3 Move Bugzilla source repository from Bazaar (bzr) to git RESOLVED FIXED bmo-big
951974 P1 backport bug 237498 to bmo (Use memcached to improve performance) RESOLVED FIXED bmo-goal
952880 P1 Deploy production change notification system RESOLVED FIXED bmo-goal
956229 P2 develop a system to track the lifetime of review/feedback/needinfo requests RESOLVED FIXED bmo-goal
956230 P1 improve instrumentation of bugzilla's internals RESOLVED FIXED bmo-goal
956233 P1 enable USE_MEMCACHE on most objects RESOLVED FIXED bmo-goal
966180 P1 backport bug 956233 to bmo (enable USE_MEMCACHE on most objects) RESOLVED FIXED bmo-goal
993222 P1 Disallow reviews for confidential bugs RESOLVED FIXED bmo-big
993223 P1 Notify Review Board when a bug is made confidential RESOLVED FIXED bmo-big
993225 P1 Upload Review Board review URL to Bugzilla as attachment RESOLVED FIXED bmo-big
993229 P1 Display useful error when auth token is no longer valid RESOLVED FIXED bmo-big
993232 P1 Mirror comments back to Bugzilla RESOLVED FIXED bmo-big
993926 P1 Bugzilla::User::Setting::get_all_settings() should use memcached RESOLVED FIXED bmo-goal, perf
1006098 P1 Implement Form w/ Workflow for FxOS Marketplace Operator Onboarding RESOLVED INCOMPLETE bmo-big
1020558 P2 Add Involved with Bugs and Never Visited Query to MyDashboard RESOLVED FIXED bmo-big
1021902 P1 UI to view a user's review history RESOLVED FIXED bmo-goal
1021929 P1 Initial deployment of Review Board with review repo RESOLVED FIXED bmo-big
1027903 P1 Please create a WebOps Request Form in Bugzilla RESOLVED FIXED bmo-big
1033897 P1 Firefox OS MCTS Waiver Request Submission Form RESOLVED FIXED bmo-big
1038275 P1 Comprehensible documentation for the REST API RESOLVED FIXED bmo-goal
1118365 P1 Write extension to use GitHub for Authentication RESOLVED FIXED bmo-goal
1144468 P1 Bugzilla Auth Delegation via API Keys RESOLVED FIXED bmo-goal, relnote
1144485 P1 Adapt upstream Selenium test suite to BMO RESOLVED FIXED bmo-goal
1150541 P1 [tracking] make bug-modal the default UI RESOLVED FIXED bmo-bug-quality, bmo-goal
1163761 P1 Allow MozReview to skip user consent screen for Authentication Delegation RESOLVED FIXED bmo-goal
1283138 P1 Deprecate Persona and provide information to client about alternative methods to login to BMO RESOLVED FIXED bmo-goal
1286290 P1 CSP compliant bug modal RESOLVED FIXED bmo-goal
1321592 P1 Update Bugzilla Etiquette and add Abuse Policy RESOLVED FIXED bmo-bug-quality, bmo-goal
1553533 P3 [meta] Make the version field uniform across products RESOLVED FIXED bmo-goal

32 Total; 0 Open (0%); 32 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Further documentation about goals above and other projects follows:

Past Projects

Some of these will have on-going maintenance and improvements, but the initial deployment has been accomplished. Others have been abandoned or rejected due to various factors, noted below.

Other News

News related to b.m.o.