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This page is a rollup of all the bug queries floating across the B2G project. This will include Gonk, Gaia, Gecko, and Marketplace.

Release Triage

Issues that Should Block

  • Features our product team has committed us to
  • Major issue in new feature - especially those in which a large number of users will be impacted, or a smaller number of users will be significantly impacted
  • Major identifiable regressions (perf or otherwise)
  • Non-localizable strings
  • Top Crashes
  • sec-high, sec-critical security bugs
  • Smoke-test regression
  • Data loss
  • Issues that block partner certification (bluetooth, wifi, legal, etc.)
  • Issues getting a lot of support calls with partners or on SUMO
  • Issues critical around updates (especially if there's been a repro)
  • Anything critical around the first time experience
  • Major Dialer, SMS, and VM communication issues
  • Issues that prevent automated tests in established testsuites (visible test suites on b2g integration branches on TBPL) from running green at least 90% of the time.
  • Certification waivers from the previous release (new policy)
  • Major issue with an embedded 3rd party app (in case it can't be solved, it could be decided to remove the app)

Issues that Should Not Block

Any exceptions to these rules must be discussed on b2g-release-drivers@mozilla.org or with Release Management:

  • Enhancements
  • New Features
  • New perf requirements (see enhancements)
  • Non-critical string changes (due to l10n)
  • Polish and other minor issues
  • Unfinished localization (except in the last ~3 weeks of the release)
  • Issues requiring the user to perform extremely uncommon use cases
  • Issues in languages not being shipped in the version of B2G
  • Bugs without clear STR or that are not reproducible
  • Bugs that do not impact production phones or the simulator

Blocker Nomination Notes

Here are some other pointers to keep in mind:

  • Please do not file a bug without having first determined whether or not it's a regression. If you find it is a regression, please add the keyword and help identify a regression window
  • Please ensure that anybody who is nominating critical issues is aware of the above criteria
  • Please include a description of why an issue is critical for you when nominating (tell us if it's a certification blocker)
  • Do not file multiple issues in a single bug
  • Please make sure that whoever nominates a bug for blocking is available to promptly answer questions. Even better, please make sure to use one Bugzilla account per individual nominating.

Blocker Whiteboard Additions

As of the week of 4/15/13, we will now use:

  • [POVB] in the whiteboard to denote "part of vendor build" (OEM-specific)
    • Denotes that this bug is the responsibility of the OEM
    • Used in conjunction with an impacted device in the whiteboard, for instance [buri], [ikura], or [COM_RIL] (for partner RIL issues)
  • [NPOTB] in the whiteboard to denote "not part of the build"
    • Used for bugs that involve server infrastructure, build scripts, tests, etc.
  • [Apps Watch List] is the whiteboard used for any bug that impacts apps sourced from Marketplace, the Review process, or bugs used to generate grid builds. The resolution of these bugs have been determined to be outside the sphere of control of the 3rd party developer who is responsible for submissions to the Marketplace. App Review Team, Partner Engineering and Content Program Management use the flag to track bugs that impact their arena.
  • [Apps Watch List1] is used for bugs related to pre-installed apps that are the responsibility of a 3rd party developer to resolve. The Apps Review team uses this tag to trigger communications to the 3rd party developers who contribute apps to Marketplace.

Triage for 1.2.0 (Koi)


  • Three sessions: Tues/Weds/Thurs at 08:30 PST / 16:30 CET / 23:30 CST (US + EU)
  • One session: Weds (US) + Thurs (EU/TW) at 22:00 PST / 06:00 CET / 13:00 CST


Triage for 1.3.0


  • Three sessions: Tues/Weds/Thurs at 08:30 AM PST / 16:30 CET / 23:30 CST (US + EU)
  • One session: Weds (US) + Thurs (EU/TW) at 22:00 PST / 06:00 CET / 13:00 CST


Triage for 1.4.0


  • Three sessions: Tues/Weds/Thurs at 08:30 AM PST / 16:30 CET / 23:30 CST (US + EU)
  • One session: Weds (US) + Thurs (EU/TW) at 22:00 PST / 06:00 CET / 13:00 CST


Flag Descriptions

  • blocking-basecamp is no longer in use (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=830433)
  • blocking-b2g
    • blocking-b2g:tef? is for nominating CRITICAL bug fixes to be considered for v1.0.0.0 after 1/15/2013
    • blocking-b2g:tef+ is for bugs that we've got agreement with partners about needing as part of v1.0.0.0
    • blocking-b2g:shira? is for nominating bug fixes to be considered for v1.0.1
    • blocking-b2g:shira+ is for bugs required for v1.0.1 to ship
    • blocking-b2g:leo? is for nominating bug fixes to be considered for v1.1.0
    • blocking-b2g:leo+ is for bugs required for v1.1.0 to ship
  • tracking-b2g18:+ means the bug must be fixed on the v1 branch, and tracking-b2g18:? represents a nomination
  • tracking-b2g18:19+ means the bug must be fixed on the v1 branch within 6 weeks after v1.0 code ships (to be fixed prior to FF19's release). This flag will be used for security bugs fixed in FF19, for example.
  • status-b2g18-v1.0.0 represents the fix status on v1.0.0 branch (gaia v1.0.0 and/or mozilla-b2g18_v_1_0_0)
  • status-b2g18 represents the fix status on the v1.* branches (currently v1.0.1 until it branches, we'll add a separate status flag for it)

More v1.x Triage Queries

  • Joint Triage
    • US/EU - M,W,F at 08:00 Pacific (17:00 CET)

Performance Triage

Canceled from March 5

3 times a week meetings

  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9 am (PST), 18:00 (CET)

Connection Information

  • Vidyo connection details:
    • Room: David Scravaglieri (9807)
    • Guest Access (Need Vidyo Desktop and a Browser): http://bit.ly/14oKDCm
    • By Phone: +1 800 707 2533, pin 369 - then 99807#



QA Triage

See the B2G QA Triage wiki for information on this.

Fugu & Tarako Triage