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All-hands Status Meeting Agenda

Items in this section will be shared during the live all-hand status meeting.

Friends of Mozilla Friends of Mozilla

  • jhultmann, developer of the add-on Multifox, which was chosen as February's Pick-of-the-Month by our Community Board!

Upcoming Events

This Week

Monday, 03 February

Tuesday, 04 February

Mozilla Monument unveiling - Share why you're a Mozillian on your social channels with the #iamamozillian and watch the stream at iamamozillian.postano.com. If you're local, join us for lunch in San Francisco (SF Commons @ 12:00pm PST). If not, the lunch-time presentations will be streamed via Air Mozilla.

Wednesday, 05 February

WebFWD hosts the Startup Policy Lab at Moz SF + AirMoz

The Startup Policy Lab addresses issues such as immigration, health care, etc. from the perspective of smaller organizations (e.g. ones without the same resources as say Apple, Microsoft or Google). Wednesday's event will focus on how the Affordable Care Act impacts entrepreneurs. Details at [1] and streaming on AirMoz at [2]).

Thursday, 06 February

Friday, 07 February

Saturday, 08 February

Sunday, 09 February

Next Week

Members of the Open Badges team are gearing up for the Summit to Reconnect Learning next week, February 12-13, in Redwood City, California. During the conference, a series of large organizations will announce their commitment to working with Open Badges - edX, ETS, Workforce.io, and more. We will share more details after the conference.

Project Status Updates (voice updates)

Firefox Desktop

Speaker Location:

Firefox Mobile

Speaker Location: (mfinkle)

  • Working on fixing the "Thanks for using Fennec" banner in Nightly. It appears way too often.
  • FxAccount work hit the Friday deadline. Look for that to get enabled on Nightly soon.
  • Home page customization work week was a great success. That feature and some real-world integrations will ship in Fx30.

Firefox OS

Speaker Location:

  • Get rocketbar patches landed in master is resolved. This is a significant part of the Haida Firefox OS UX update that's under way now. Rocket Bar is the system-wide search and addressing feature.
  • There was a regression or two in the keyboard, potentially related to APZC, last week that's percolating through the testing audience. (Anyone got a status on this? Is it fully resolved?)


Speaker Location: Non-verbal

  • Watch this video to get up-to-speed with Webmaker Community team priorities.
  • Join the new, weekly TEACH THE WEB community call on Thursdays at 10am EST/3pm UTC (we merged the Web Literacy call and Mentor Community calls)
  • Mozilla devs represented at HTML500, Vancouver's "biggest ever tech ed event" -- 500+ non-coders learned HTML5 and CSS3 in one day, mentored by 50 tech orgs from Hootsuite to Microsoft.. to *us*.

Open Badges

Speaker Location: non-verbal

Mozilla Badge System Update: The Mozilla Badge System foundational system is defined and being socialized in a variety of channels, Grow Mozilla, Recognition, Open Badges, MoFo Design. More to come next week regarding the system as well a select number of example badges aligning with Mozilla pillars: building products; empowering communities; shaping environments; and teaching & learning.

Discovery Project Update: Our Gates Foundation funded Discovery project is well underway. We've recently been working with the Mozilla Recruitment team (kudos to them!) and other organizations to identify career pathways and explore how badging can be used to connect individuals to real jobs and to help employers find the talent they are looking for. This project is set to launch in June 2014.

    Check out this blog post from Chloe Varelidi introducing the Discovery work: http://chloeatplay.tumblr.com/post/74114253038/introducing-open-badges-discovery-connecting-badges

Mozilla Science Lab

Speaker Location: Non-verbal

Mozilla Reps

Speaker Location:

Firefox Student Ambassadors

Speaker Location:Written Update

  • We've now reached over 10,000 Firefox Student Ambassadors! Celebrate with us by joining in on the conversation on our Facebook page.
  • Last week we launched our program's landing page (big thanks to Chris More's team for making this happen). Take some time and check it out here

Summer of Code

Speaker Location:Written Update

Can you think of a 3-month coding project you would love to guide a student through? Now is the right time to propose project ideas for Google Summer of Code 2014. If you are interested in mentoring a student next summer, add your idea to https://wiki.mozilla.org/Community:SummerOfCode14:Brainstorming

Grow Mozilla

Speaker Location:


Speaker Location:


Speaker Location:

Firefox Marketplace

Speaker Location: written update

LINE social messaging application available now at https://marketplace.firefox.com/app/line !!

Thanks to everyone in Business Development, Partner Engineering, Firefox OS, and QA who made this happen!


Speaker Location: San Francisco

  • DB Engineering - helped fix up slow queries - reach them by filing a bug Server Operations : Database

-- More info here! https://blog.mozilla.org/it/2014/02/03/the-power-of-indices/

Web Compatibility

Speaker Location: MTV (miketaylr)

The people involved.

Dogfood tastes good. Report bugs.


The limit is 3 minutes per speaker. It's like a lightning talk, but don't feel that you have to have slides in order to make a presentation. If you plan on showing a video, you need to contact the Air Mozilla team before the day of the meeting or you will be deferred to the next week.

Presenter Title Topic Location Share? Media More Details
Who Are You? What Do You Do? What are you going to talk about? Where are you presenting from? (Moz Space, your house, space) Will you be sharing your screen? (yes/no, other info) Links to slides or images you want displayed on screen Link to where audience can find out more information
Peter Bengtsson Pre-recorded Events in Air Mozilla Get your video cameras out! Mountain View Office Yes slides [3]
barry munsterteiger creative instigator Mozilla Monument San Fransisco No https://air.mozilla.org/monument/ in the email I sent on Friday
Amy Tsay Community Manager Add-on pick-of-the-month for February Mountain View Yes N/A https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/multifox
Mike Hoye Engineering Community Manager Dashcon, And Victory. Toronto No N/A The DashCon page at WikiMo


Do you have a question about a Mozilla Project or initiative? Let us know by Friday- we'll do our best to get you an answer.

Please note that we may not always be able to get to every item on this list, but we will try!

Who are you? Area of question Question
What's your name? What do you work on? Is your question about policy, a product, a Foundation initiative, etc. What would you like to know?


Let's say hello to some new Mozillians! If you are not able to join the meeting live, you can add a link to a short video introducing yourself.

Introducing New Volunteers

New Volunteer(s) Introduced by Speaker location New Volunteer location Will be working on
Who is the new volunteer(s)? Who will be introducing that person? Where is the introducer? Where is the new person based? What will the new person be doing?

Introducing New Hires

New Hire Introduced by Speaker location New Hire location Will be working on
Adam Stevenson Lawrence Mandel MV Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Web Compatibility
Nicole Fong Karen Ward MV MV Partner Integration
Ruben Olaes Tim Fairfield MV MV End User Services - Service Desk

Introducing New Interns

New Intern Introduced by Speaker location New Hire location Will be working on
Who is the new intern? Who will be introducing that person? Where is the introducer? Where will the new person be working from? What will the new person be working on?


Notes and non-voice status updates that aren't part of the live meeting go here.

Status Updates By Team (*non-voice* updates)







Release Engineering


Test Execution


QA Community

Automation & Tools





Social Support