
From MozillaWiki
< Loop
Revision as of 23:46, 25 February 2014 by Dmose (talk | contribs) (→‎Open Issues)
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Design Goals

Underlying Technologies

Mozilla Technologies

The Loop project relies on a number of other technologies under development within Mozilla. These include the following:

Third-Party Technologies

  • Node.js for Loop server, at least through production

Open Issues

These technology choices will be moved into one of the preceding sections as decisions are made:

  • Localization (bug 972884)
  • Client MVC Library + associated libs (bug 975548)
  • Client CSS toolkit (if any) (bug 975548)
  • Standalone-page CSS toolkit (if any)
  • Client side unit-testing framework (bug 976127)
  • Standalone-page unit-testing framework (bug 976133)
  • Client-driven end-to-end framework (bug 976114)
  • Standalone-page end-to-end system testing framework (bug 976134)

Network Architecture

Data Flows

User Connects

User Generates "Call-Me" URL

Non-User Clicks "Call-Me" URL

User Accepts Call

User Rejects Call

User Blocks "Call-Me" URL

User Calls Other User

Client Architecture

Address Book

Server Architecture

Database Schema